2. Before you start calling people greedy, think what would you do in Tytus's place. He has hardware than makes shitloads of money for him. Would you sell your miner even to your friend who really-really wants to start mining at the price you paid in september? All of you have made ROI with our hardware. Now you want MOAR. And you want even faster ROI and MOARMOARMOAR. There's a name for this kind of mentality
3. The primary reason why we don't have hardware to sell is the shortage of chips. Not too long ago people were complaining 15€ per chip is too expensive and that our hardware is too expensive. This sends a signal to manufacturer that there's no market for the product. This is why we didn't do large volume production, but only produced enough for Tytus's mine which is based on the new H-card, so no chips were left for old H-cards.