www.dropbox.com/s/zogwlms8b8h0wpo/1%20layer%20m-board%2016%20v2.3.jpgwww.dropbox.com/s/cvse0gp2opfdoa4/1%20layer%20m-board%208%20v2.3.jpgwww.dropbox.com/s/6t5sddm7trc7ja7/1%20layer%20m-board%204%20v2.3.jpgHello everybody, i know the beta tests are over on BitFury so please dont jump me on that.
Since i dont know exactly where to share this on the forum, i chose here.
First id like to thank intron and for the help provided and a bunch of h-cards for testing.
The schematic is taken from here:
www.github.com/nanofury/NanoFury/wiki/The-missing-bitfury-chip-documentationWhat you'll find in those links are 3 m-boards, layout and schematic for 4, 8, 16 H-cards.
Since they are hard to find right now i thought id make this.
For techinical details there isnt much, the connectors are plain old PCI-ISA cut every 10+1 contacts... with a paper cutter.
Resistors are plain old 1/4W ones 18ohms, 56ohms ... i hope ill find some.
The only expensive parts are the level shifters TXB0104D (4 pcs... about 5 euros)
LM 7805 ...rather cheap
LM 2596 power module ... again 4 or 5 euros.
2x1m one layer pcb a ... about 30 euros (but you can make 40 or so m-boards from 1 pcs... so again, rather cheap).
The jump wires can go on the bottom of the card(no dangerous contacts there) or on top but they'll have to be isolated.
Critics, ideeas, parts, donations are welcome, im going to build this for real and ill update on the work.
The drawing is 1:1 scale, so if you print it, put it on a 1 layer pcb you can start cutting traces, i still use tape + feric chloride to do my pcb's
I have everything except the level shifters which im going to order and the H-cards which are on their way.
On a side note, i dont know if the schematic or layout are correct so if you decide to build, please check and tell if something is wrong.