This proposed -or real- "Foundation", for what we all know by now, will be comprised of 15-20 individuals "that were here more or less from the beginning" and that are all well know to the community... well, since the whole thing exists only for just over two months, how "well known" can they be?
But since the ra-ra mentality is obviously much more active here than the simplest exercise of critical thinking, let's try some numbers so no one can claim "oh I didn't understand the potential ramifications and dangers. It is already established that the proposed -or real- "Foundation" is, in reality, a "Group of Investors" in which Rat4 and The DOGE take part. There's no other purpose, NONE, that supersedes the main if not only purpose of a "group of investors". By simple and pure definition: To make profits, i.e.:Money. Pure and simple. No ifs, no buts.
With that in mind, I believe it is safe to assume that of those 15-20 investors now in the proposed "Foundation", we will find that they hold most if not all of the top 20 BlackCoin Wallets. And maybe quite a few spares. That's by themselves, not even counting family members, friends or associates already converted to the BC "faith". Remember, the MAIN interest of such group, by definition, is to obtain profits, ok? Now, place yourselves in a position in which you personally or a group of "yous", own double or triple the amount of BC that is traded daily in the exchanges. And just limit the vision, for concentration and clarity purposes, to the two main exchanges, MintPal and Cryptsys. I'm sure you can easily see the unlimited possibilities... on arbitrage alone... which means simply selling in one place and buying in the other while actually maintaining the same amount of BC at the end of the day. Even at $0.12 a piece, the current price, you can easily imagine that such activity, even at much lower levels, would produce dreamlike kind of profits with practically no risks whatsoever. Will the Investors Group in the "Foundation" do this? Of course not, will they? Can they do it, exceptionally or on a regular basis? YOU answer that question. There's a reason why such a thing would mean jail time -extensive- if it were to happen in the real world.
But since we are all being so proactive, so well mannered and putting extensive amount of ribbons to everything that we post not to hurt too many sensitivities, one would actually believe one has entered the Twilight Zone. Now we have this "generous" guy, Colin, that offers to match up to $5k whatever donations, as it this were some kind of telethon. It is already a freaking circus with a bunch of people vying for who comes with the most outrageous idea of what to do so they can sell at 37 and buy back at 30 and brag about it. It is greedy beyond words, pathetic to extreme that such amount of real resources, which could save hundreds of children's lives, quite literally, would be used in this dick-measuring context for the ONLY purpose of getting a coin to trade at 37 instead of at 30. There's no generosity in that. There could be a bunch of other adjectives, none even remotely being "generous"... and and I can see the question in the ever attacking "defense" coming... the answer is "not enough", ok? So you can save yourself the inevitable question.
Can the "Investment Group" exist and be called "Foundation" or any other name? Well, in fact it does already exist, obviously. Organized and ready for action as we saw in the campaign against IC over the weekend. The Land Grab had already taken place, just covertly. Now it is kind of official. You guys, the "community" can do whatever you want but we are BlackCoin and no one but us will ever have control over it. We are the devs and now we are also The Foundation. Marking territory. Besides, we have the coins. We can do anything we want. In fact, let's move the "discussion" to forums we absolutely control and where absolutely no dissenting words are ever allowed to be posted.
Well, there are no positives in that. No matter how you pretend to disguise it. Like I warned before, it will prove sooner, rather than later, BlackCoin's undoing. A pity because I love the gorgeous logo. But calls for reason, sadly, are an exercise in futility. Hopefully not too many people will be severely hurt by the inevitable.
Now back to your previous ra-ra's.
Jesus - Don't you have anything better to do.
'The Foundation' or 'The Investment Group' surely has good intentions, and you nor anyone should think otherwise or you should probably dump and leave for Mint or EMO.
This thread is all about pointing fingers, and it's ridiculous. Now you are giving someone hell for offering to match up to 5K for donations for this coin (the cause you are here for) saying its a telethon. Shut up or ship out, you're entitled to your opinion and that's the truth but you are just a negative nancy about anything and everything, you're as bad as my girlfriend.
Just sit back and enjoy the ride and contribute to what you want to, the 'foundation' is going to happen and maybe you don't agree with everything... That's life.
This coin has the potential to be great and make some changes to the crypto world. It may not be the first, and likely will not be the last, but it has a great community, honest devs and a growing following. Just stop whining like a bunch of children its getting boring to listen to.