Hahah...look friends: foundation-shmoundation. The Foundation hasn't even defined itself yet, give it time. Whatever. Important thing for now is this: Wall Street is happening. Blackcoin is 1% PoS, 99% community. nuff said!
As some of you know, I work in the entertainment industry. This afternoon I have a meeting with a rising TV, stage and film celebrity. I have seen her in ten shows. Hired her for one. Even acted accross from her in one. She's gorgeous, 20, and has been following my doings in crypto for the last 6 months with great interest. If that meeting goes well, she will be on board with us. You will meet her here. She will come out for Wall Street. She will be in the Blackcoin music video. She will represent like you've never dreamed. She will be a leading lady of Blackcoin across several demographics. Stay-tuned people.
Follow-up and follow-thru, as promised. Outcome: AWESOME!!Black is the new
Bond-GIRL, that is!!! This gorgeous up-and-coming bombshell celebrity will soon be gracing these pages, this community, and stand alongside our own rising star, Blackoin itself. After thoughtfully taking in my hour-and-fifteen minute full presentation, I installed her first and only crypto wallet and she is PUMPED!! Here are some pics and links, I'll continue my raves after you've had a look. So without further ado, meet:
ACTRESS, EMMA JEAN DELIA!! Emma will be there with us on Wall Street! She will be featured in the Blackcoin Music Video! This camera savvy, charismatic young woman will be available as spokesperson for a generation of new crypto-lovers! She will bring in the ladies as well as the gents! (which is great, because crypto is kind of still a sausage fest).And I have more news, coming very soon. The Blackcoin Music Video is on the verge of a MAJOR upgrade! I am finalizing negotiations with a new group that will
BLOW YOUR MIND (yes, I had to drop my original artist, due to personality issues on his end). And you won't need to take my word for how
AWESOME they are, because the second this comes through I will post previews of their work.
I personally guarantee that it will leave you speechless!!. ETA is within the next 3 days. Note: part of the video deal is that they also show up for WALL STREET!!
Yes, that means LIVE PERFORMANCE!! The crowd will be transfixed! A captive audience for 50 hot girls to assault with leaflets and sexy black cards! Friends, can you imagine the possibilities?? This will make Wall Street not just a homerun.
It will send it out of the park altogether!I only ask one thing:
PLEASE, PLEASE DONATE!!!!!!!To Emma, because she deserves all the love you've got and will return it in spades!! Here: BGM9Mo6b19H8Wyi81FzaeU9PbVPn148YPD
And to the Blackcoin Music Video, because in doing so, you will
greatly empower me in my negotiations with the hip-hop group. I have turned them onto crypto. I have turned them onto Blackcoin. I want to pay them, if possible, entirely in Blackcoin. Not only because it's how we do things around here. You see, the bigger a personal stake they have in the coin, the more deep is their personal involvement and passion. We want them to be not only FOR the community, but actually OF the community themselves. HELP ME ACHIEVE THIS!!
Here: BGvEU7Nyo3mviMtvXXfeYBCoXhmrnMWLfr
THANK YOU, and stay tuned for my next update!
Hey Jabulon, keep up the good work! Couple quick questions though, when I googled Emma I couldn't find anything on her being a bond girl/new bond girl, Just found a weird video of her lol.
http://vinebox.co/u/wuhelDTkFkX/wiUCFTKOuGnAny chance of letting us know who the hip hop group is?
I believe that any promotion of BC will at least help spread awareness and applauded you for your efforts, just ignore all the haters. If we all help out WE can make Black coin successful!