Excuse me??? And just who decided, besides you, that she would be the one? I for one believe that we can do much better than that, sorry. She may be as wonderful as you pretend or whatever but, the BlackCoin Girl, why?
See? this is where the enthusiasm and the "passion" are not just misguided but damaging. I mean, you are obviously free to make any video you want and put her or Cheetah, if you so choose, of course, but that would be, again, taking jabs at BlackCoin the brand, the image.
And Emma can be -for you- the best thing since sliced bread but her image, sorry, not on par, ok?
I vowed to ignore you because I think people like you are a cancer to creativity and morale, but I decided that I should make a comment because your criticisms are damaging and unwanted. I think Jabulon ideas are great and I am glad he is enthusiastic about helping. However, I also think if he wants to use his leading lady as the "face" of BlackCoin the community should take a vote. The way you present your criticisms are condescending and demoralizing. What makes your criticisms even more insulting is I have yet to see you propose projects or creative ideas to add value to BlackCoin. It is unfortunate we as a community cannot take a vote to ban you because I think people like you dissuade others from wanting to participate. If you are not going to propose ideas of your own, or at the very least stop criticizing the work and ideas of other members, then please
STFU and stop clicking
post. Go back to IRC and be negative there.
You want me to propose ideas? Here they are: Use all your enthusiasm, "work" and resources to
REALLY help BlackCoin. By getting more merchants accepting payments with it, THAT'S really helping the cause, not damaging the brand. Stop the nonsense, the absurd noise, the outrageous "events" and concentrate your efforts in the essence, ok? Where do you get that BlackCoin should be
"associated with wealth"? As a stakeholder I SPECIFICALLY don't want BlackCoin to have ANY association with wealth or the wealthy, but with the unprotected layman abused by those in power, political or monetary, ok? Get the idea? Not all publicity is good or even acceptable, alright? More ideas? how about getting the best pool possible? How about getting more, many more, miners to sign in, as a consequence of being the best? You want to help, why not helping with that? There are many growing pains already present and more that will materialize in the near future, as is logical in a coin that has been out in the public light for just 2 months. 2 fucking months! What's the rush? What exactly do you want to achieve, other than getting the price in the exchanges higher, and for which you are not only willing to work seemingly non-stop but also involving your wife and act, on occasion, as a total ahole (the WC debacle) or an unethical manipulator (the ill-fated stopped-at-the-last-second-by-the-devs, attempt at influence the market price). What is it? You post ad infinitum, that you just want to "help" and do good for "the community". Well, the community is not just a few outspoken yahoos with loose connection with reality who post several times a day in this forum; the community is formed by all those who have invested in this coin because they see in it the possibility of a great future, rewarding, of course, but a long term future in which associations with market manipulators or "wealth" have absolutely no place whatsoever.
So feed your ego or comply with whatever your ulterior motives might be as you deem necessary, but stop the bullcrap. You do what you do for self-serving purposes ONLY and, to many -if not most- in detriment of this community that would do much better without most if not all of your initiatives.
YOU, barabbas, have NO PLACE WHAT SO EVER MARKETING THIS COIN!!!! Yes i'm shouting, cause your attacking the most outspoken and helpful person in marketing here, and having a business degree myself, you my friend are DEAD WRONG. You show you really don't understand what your talking about, and then come across as your ideas are helpful in marketing this coin. LOL, far from it. If we left BC in your hands you'd run it to the ground. Hype is everything, and not sure what the prudes there think is so wrong about 50 sexy women, fully clothed to promote this coin is bad image.
Many companies use this tatic all the time, Go daddy commercials come to mind of top of head. We need to move fast with promotions, not slow and build merchants. You are an idiot. Without proper hype and advertising you get nowhere, don't care if we are the best, or have best stuff. We need promations of things we do have more, and hype and advertising for those we don't.
This is what I say to everyone skeptical of Iconic's Wall St. JUST STOP!!! Let him do this, and if he fails, or this turns out horrible, then we can really take a look at what is wrong, and fix it. But for now, we only have few members pushing this coin forward.
Saying this not to create FUD, but if it was not for people like Iconic here doing things with marketing, I'd cash out into another coin already. Sorry, but it's really what is 95% of the game, and you come on here trying to destroy moral.
WHO CARE IF ICONIC HAS AN EGO! I don't, he's doing things to make us all $$$, so who cares.
Look how fast the clones came out of BC? Things already have changed from DOGE days here, too many more coins. We are not worried about marketing to those in crypto community with this, it's getting more people on board. Those in community will see this and also take notice.
Alright, from this point forward can we just support him in this, please for sake of community. Enough infighting, lets support this marketing. Nothing ventured nothing gained. I'm 100% with you Iconic and hope other are too.