Hey Iconic, Stop being so rude man. As I said earlier im not her to spread FUD. If your a reasonable man you understand why im saying what im saying.
If I was a troll, what would be the benefit for me? Im holding more then 200.000$ USD worth of Blackcoin, what would be the benefit in trying to troll here and fuck up the community besides shitting on my own investment? Honestly man. Your being rude now.
If you can't take honest and neutral comments that try to see things from different perspectives theres really something wrong. I've already thanked you for your work more then once so im not going to do that again.
I have run my own company for over 14 years. I am far from stupid and I know when someone has an ulterior motive, so please do not insult my intelligence. It makes no sense for someone that is in the top 10 to criticize the organizer of an event that will increase the value of his investment. In less than a day we already have an article written and buzz. So if you had genuine concerns you could have contacted me privately instead of posting FUD in an open forum. Yesterday you also made asinine comments about the BlackCoin cards. You started this debate claiming you are a top 10 holder as if that holds some kind of weight. And for the record I was rude to you and that was my intention. Now I will say again...if you are not going to help this community succeed by contributing your time, skills, or BC, then please STFU and get out the way while the rest of us do get the job done.
Stop acting like a general dick. How am I supposed to know your running a company, or even telling the truth. I told you. I want to donate hundreds of dollars to your idea. Im just extreme aware where my donation goes to. Nothing wrong with that. And if you think it is, your not that intelligent.
Gl with your projects.
You are the only one acting like a general dick here, just in case you didn't notice it yet...
I suggest you to put all your coins right up your ass how about that?
EDIT: "How am I supposed to know your
in the top 10, or even telling the truth."
Gl with your coins
You guys are so naive. The only thing im doing here is creating transparancy. Then get flamed for being a troll? Do I not have the right to ask where my donation goes to?
Really? Im a troll? Am I the one that should get off my ass for this community instead of whining here? Really?? I managed a merchant to sell his airplanes and flight school lessons (Blackshape) for Blackcoin. Did you ever hear me screaming for credit about that or a bounty? I care for this community and not my god damn ego. The only thing im asking here is some reasons why I should be donating a large amount of $. If you can't live with neutral responses on this forum. Get off. Any investor should have the right to know in what he invests and has to look at it from different perspectives instead of just throwing money at something random.
Im coming here all polite asking some normal questions that are very reasonable and get flamed about. Crazy.
You know, this is the classic case in Sociology when someone in a group does something which has followers and success and then some guy comes in and tries to bash it down because he didn't get the same followers or contribution for what he did before.
If you really made that with the Plane agency then I thank you. Because thats a plus to the community.
But you came here while we were all happy celebrating telling us to open our eyes... so if this goes wrong you get all the credit and you can say "I told you so". But fact of the matter is, that the majority of the community supports this, and the way you stepped in here was a bit demotivating, so now you have the community "against" you.
But don't worry, all will pass, cards will be shipped, Wall Street will be a success and we will all be friends again.
Even you know, you are going to donate some BCs once the first confirmations of the Cards arrive
So anyway, let us all try to be friends and see how this plays out...