no, i am just trying to point out to new people to be careful as they obviously think BC is 'unstoppable' due to how much biased hype there is here (and deleting comments that say otherwise) which history tells us is a recipe for disaster
i hold some whitecoin, i hold all the new hybrid POW/POS coins like AC, BC, WC etc, and I placed some BC orders today but at a much lower price than it is now
so no, just trying to show some balance, this is investments after all, not everyone tries to tell people they 'can't loose' on the investments they are in already.
And what are you? Voice of reason? Just place your orders and please stop with FUD and trolololo shit. We saw many trolls like you here which are troling through fake concern about our investments while you only looking for cheapest way to get some BC's.
ok dragging this up again and having to wade through the B.S.
i just asked some questions about the stupid coin and its like 200 babies chucking toys out their prams apart from one guy who gave me a straight answer to the value, so i ordered a few at half price.
no i dont expect to get cheap BC buy asking 3 questions on a forum, and no I am not a whitecoin agent, it is just another POS/POW, interesting while its in fashion, dead in a few months when the new 'next bitcoins' come out like Etherium or 10 others.
if i wanna warn people to be careful when everyone is saying this coin is going to make them a guaranteed millionaire then I will bcos this is obvious BS and is just people trying to exploit other people
people stop digging this up i said what i wanted
You are obviously clueless if you don't see the potential. BlackCoin is here to stay.
yeh yeh
Blackcoin, Whitecoin, Asiacoin, Cinni, Eoncoin, then Bitstar, all hybrid POW/POS flavor of the month pump & dump coins. At least AsiaCoin the other guy mentioned has a purpose - housewifes are gonna buy "black coins" cos no one will come up with a better name? lol
Believe you will be a millionaire just by selling everything to buy Blackcoin like 20,000 other people, or instead spread your funds to new coins that are coming with the next gen supply model / features.
There is no new Bitcoin, coins now last like 3 months and then get dumped. And 'great community' is a feature people say on coins with no tech differential or the bagholders say.........get a clue
I am a clairvoyant . Stop buying trash and buy something that has a future, if you do not want to buy blackcoin, please go away from here, man you are free to buy all of scammcoin and shitcoins from this planet, Please let the BC for us.