Buying @ 65000 and blaming Iconic. R u serious !? That was announced when BC was @ 5000.
Meh, I say if you buy anything based on anything other than your own due diligence (whether that investment is cryptos, real estate, stocks, etc.) you pretty much deserve to lose it all. Unless there was a man with a gun to your head forcing you to push the "BUY" button... or one preventing you from pushing the "SELL" button... then you acted on your own beliefs.
Whether or not you let someone else influence you is another matter.
IconicExpert is active and excited - and I appreciate that. However, I was mining and buying long before I even bothered to create an account on and I really never considered IE's PR release to have much impact at all, one way or the other. I likewise don't think the multipool has a hugely significant effect price-wise.
both however, provide very valuable exposure to people who otherwise might not have found BC... unfortunately some of those believed that it was natural or normal to make 200-1,000% gains in a couple days (and keep going)... and rather than buy in slowly over time - threw their entire nut into the swell at once.
Look how long everyone kept saying that real estate had nowhere to go but up, despite homes (in my area at least) gaining 10-20% in a single month. It's human nature (greed) - but it's preventable with research and patience. On the other hand, no matter which way you go with it - it's nobody's fault but your own.