So I've set up my first VPS masternode following the chaincoin youtube videos a few days ago and that seems running OK.
I'm trying to set up my second masternode on another server but I can only go as far as 3. Compiling the chaincoin masternode - 6. Compile the masternode using the Berkely DB v4.8 and no GUI.
When i enter the command ./configure --without-gui
I get this error. configure: error: libevent not found.
I cannot continue after this error. I've tried compiling on Ubuntu 14.04 x64 and 17.04 x64.
Thanks in advance,
Either compile with the last release, e.g.
git checkout v0.9.2.5
or install libevent:
sudo apt-get install libevent-dev
Thanks for the quick replay Rolihlahla. It looks like it's working now.