I completely agree. If mixers like ChipMixer start getting more popular and even possibly get fully integrated into wallets such as was attempted with the Electrum wallet it would completely change the meaning of using one. Rather than them being seen by the average person as trying to hide something or as possibly money laundering, it could completely remove the negative stigma held against it.
Future of bitcoin mixing is mixing embedded in the wallet. It is hard to imagine browser without https support. It will be hard to imagine bitcoin wallet without mixing.
I would suggest introducing a fee system similar to bitmixer's traditional pricing model in addition to an option to donate.
We are thinking about it.
I want to confirm about chips which are available;
In the first page mentioned ; There are chips with 0.001BTC, 0.002 BTC, 0.004 BTC and so on till 4.096 BTC.
So, there are 0.008 BTC, 0.016 BTC, 0.032 BTC, 0.064BTC, 0.128 BTC, 0.256 BTC, 0.512 BTC, 1.024BTC, 2.048 BTC, and 4.096 BTC?
I've sent bitcoin to be mixed, let's say 0.0645788 BTC > since there is no chip available for that amount, it will be 0.064 right?
I consider the rest of it (0.0005788) as donation, am I wrong?
Yes, there is no 0.5 mBTC chip. Deposited amount is rounded down to mBTC.