Bump, still pending review, feel free to send my transaction back if it takes this long to approve an ad !
Sorry for the delays whitewidow, I'm actually still not in control of the whole site, on the deal we made I take over around January 10th. At the minute it is still Carlos managing the site and approving ads, and the policy is to keep a consistent level of ads showing rather than to have spikes and nothing alternatively..
A policy that I don't disagree with, as mostly ads are still approved with 24-48 hours, but it is my hope I can boost advertising to the site (by lower / no fees for advertisers - just click cost pricing), and so have more volume, and faster approvals.. which brings me to; marketing:
Yes you're right.. I've kept receiving spam promotional emails from "BitcoinAliens" even my CoinAd account was already permanently suspended
It's sad to see CoinAd finally runs into this kind of cheap spam service like this
If all you want is to claim some free bitcoin and never take up any of the promotional emails you receive then this is fine, I love bitcoin, I'm happy to serve you, to spread bitcoin, and give some out to you, and if you really need to just use an adblocker and unsubscribe then do so.
As it is/was CoinAd was making almost NO profit - seriously, the "profit" from fees on ads is absolutely miniscule and there are server and hosting costs to pay - as well as personal time investment which has been HUGE. In that situation it's impossible to justify spending time on it, growing it, marketing for it.
So CoinAd can either stay as it is and slowly die and get never get any bigger or better. OR I can add a newsletter and some paid emails and sponsors.. is that really that offensive? With this plan in mind I want to grow CoinAd MASSIVELY, to give out more $ per click than any other PTC site, to have more traffic, more advertisers using it.. but none of that can happen on the existing model.
You wouldn't believe how HARD it is to GIVE MONEY AWAY and profit from it.. I'm not a charity, and I'm not a multi-million $ enterprise.. I'm just a guy, passionate about this and wanting it to work. The newsletters and the promotions help to make more profit, so I can give away more bitcoin and grow the site bigger. If this offends you then you can unsubscribe or stop visiting.