To sort entries in the spreadsheet, everyone can switch the view of the spreadsheet to "list" (by clicking the 2nd entry in the 3rd pull-down menu).
With the "list"-view you can sort the data by clicking on the column names.
Although filtering with the auto filters is possible but not very feasible in the moment, cause there are not much columns with consolidated data.
I found that out myself just 5 minutes ago, perhaps you can simply include a hint in the header section of the sheet to help people like me who are not using google docs frequently.
Thanks! That was unbelievably easy and I completely missed it, but at least now I managed to sort the sheet by models.
The main problem for my personal use case is, that I can't find out fast and easy if someone else got a simular card and found out some better OC/Cudaminer setup than I have.
To support that, it would be cool if auto-filtering to the base card model could reduce the list to relevant entries.
Therefore a dropdown list in the survey form where people have to pick the card model might had helped.
But I guess we have to life now with it as it is.
Since you opt'ed for having only OC-offsets in the sheet I need some good guess (which variant of the card model is it) and google to find out what he actual clocking might be, in order to compare it with my situation. Remember some manufacturers are producing the same card model with different bios versions and clock speeds under the same marketing product name. Different cards are easier to distinguish by their part numbers like "GV-N670OC-2GD", but in an extra column for that we might not see much entries.
Still having the absolute clock values in the sheet would be much easier for my purpose.
Yeah, I understand that. I picked offsets because they make it much easier to copy someone else's stable OC options instead of trying to copy for example 1200 Mhz GPU Clock core because you can get to 1200 Mhz in different ways which means different performances, besides when it comes to Kepler, when you set your GPU to 1200 Mhz, it most likely won't run at 1200 Mhz, it will be lower due to reasons I mentioned earlier.
Either way this sheet is not mine, but ours, so if the majority wants it, we can replace the offsets with actual values so I added notes regarding the possible change.
I think the sheet is becoming more or less complete (for it's purposes) but if there's anything anyone like to see just let me know.
I'm planning on including prices for different cards by regions ($/€/£/etc) so that we can also have some kind of a speed/price ratio. Not sure if that would be useful or just overkill though.