Temporarily I created an app to auto-close any ccminer*.exe dialog window pop-ups, then the batchfile continues to auto-restarts the mining.
Last night it crashes twice for about 5hrs difference.
But too bad I can't do anything about the GPU idles (SICK?).
When a card goes idle or errors out for me usually just restarting the miner will not bring the card back up to full speed (usually just 10Khash/s or something like that).
You can reset the cards from the command line (using the DevCon [Developers Console] command available at
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/311272) by disabling and enabling them again without restarting windows and it seems to always fix the problem for me.
first run 'DevCon find *' to list out all your hardware, and then find a unique part of the card ID to add to the command.
In my case '*dev_1380' identifies all my MSI 750 ti cards at once.
Quick and easy to add to your .bat loop.
devcon disable *dev_1380
devcon enable *dev_1380
Hope that helps!
This version didnt work for me@win7x64
There is another version available:
http://delphintipz.blogspot.de/2012/07/disable-failed-no-devices-disabled.htmlYou are right, I remember now having to do this as well when I first installed it on x64, but forgot I had to extract it myself.
Here are the instructions on how to pull the file out of the x64 ISO themselves if they want to make sure they are getting the right file and concerned about other sources.
1. Download the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) 7.1.0 from Microsoft. Download here:
http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=11800 It’s an ISO image of hundreds of MB size.
2. Use Universal Extractor 6.1, to extract the ISO to a temporary file on your hard disk. Download here:
http://filehippo.com/download_universal_extractor/3. Using Universal Extractor again, extract the windows installer file “”WDK\setuptools_x64fre.msi“” to a temp directory. If it’s a 32 bit version, the file name may be little different.
4. In the temp installer file, you will find “WinDDK\7600.16385.win7_wdk.100208-1538\tools\devcon\amd64\devcon.exe“. This devcon works fine, under W7x64 Pro.
Hope that helps. Once I had it extracted I just go grab it from other systems so I don't have to do that again
Sorry I forgot that part.