Curecoin team is on third place in the statistics!
Thanks! Its true! Curecoin is now the 3rd most contributed team on the largest research DCN in the world. We are coming up on rank #2 so fast that if we pass them at this difference in speed I am honestly going to feel pretty bad for them, they have done some serious folding for many years!
Congrats to everyone that has every folded with team Curecoin! In a matter of less than 3 years we have hit rank 3. A lot of people on other folding teams thought Curecoin was just going to fade away and they would not have to worry about their titles when we showed up on the scene. To say the least they spent some time eating their words. Its all good though, they are hard working fellow folding teams, they are cool... Team Curecoin is just a little cooler now though
I guess merge folding just turned into the most profitable gpu use since the ETH price explosion is the consensus. I can live with that. It should drive up some research numbers while creating a budget to improve Curecoin currency itself.
Fold for Curecoins and rock science with us, we have cookies and you will get your $$$ curecoins too, and #FKcancer