Hey guys - if you are having trouble syncing/confirming/not accepting blocks, you need to ban peers in your peer list that are using version 12.1. In your wallet, go to Tools>Peers list. Right click any node using 12.1 and ban for however long you see fit. I chose 24 hours to give people a chance to update, but will continue to check and ban as necessary. This fixed ALL of my problems.
Fixed my issue! Wallet synced after banning all 12.1 clients
Please update to 12.2 people!Please post your output of getpeerinfo and getblocktemplate

"id": 1,
"addr": "",
"addrlocal": "",
"services": "0000000000000005",
"relaytxes": true,
"lastsend": 1501085683,
"lastrecv": 1501085683,
"bytessent": 63554,
"bytesrecv": 26887,
"conntime": 1501085563,
"timeoffset": -1,
"pingtime": 0.028027,
"minping": 0.028027,
"version": 70201,
"subver": "/Das Core:0.12.2/",
"inbound": false,
"startingheight": 16914,
"banscore": 0,
"synced_headers": -1,
"synced_blocks": -1,
"inflight": [
"whitelisted": false
"id": 2,
"addr": "",
"addrlocal": "",
"services": "0000000000000005",
"relaytxes": true,
"lastsend": 1501085706,
"lastrecv": 1501085706,
"bytessent": 87257,
"bytesrecv": 183362,
"conntime": 1501085580,
"timeoffset": -1,
"pingtime": 0.123204,
"minping": 0.120016,
"version": 70201,
"subver": "/Das Core:0.12.2/",
"inbound": false,
"startingheight": 16914,
"banscore": 0,
"synced_headers": -1,
"synced_blocks": -1,
"inflight": [
"whitelisted": false
"id": 3,
"addr": "",
"addrlocal": "",
"services": "0000000000000005",
"relaytxes": true,
"lastsend": 1501085711,
"lastrecv": 1501085711,
"bytessent": 123541,
"bytesrecv": 155174,
"conntime": 1501085591,
"timeoffset": 0,
"pingtime": 0.035039,
"minping": 0.030007,
"version": 70201,
"subver": "/Das Core:0.12.2/",
"inbound": false,
"startingheight": 16480,
"banscore": 0,
"synced_headers": -1,
"synced_blocks": -1,
"inflight": [
"whitelisted": false
"id": 4,
"addr": "",
"addrlocal": "",
"services": "0000000000000005",
"relaytxes": true,
"lastsend": 1501085712,
"lastrecv": 1501085712,
"bytessent": 91829,
"bytesrecv": 31524,
"conntime": 1501085592,
"timeoffset": -1,
"pingtime": 0.02904,
"minping": 0.025005,
"version": 70201,
"subver": "/Das Core:0.12.2/",
"inbound": false,
"startingheight": 16914,
"banscore": 0,
"synced_headers": -1,
"synced_blocks": -1,
"inflight": [
"whitelisted": false
"id": 5,
"addr": "",
"addrlocal": "",
"services": "0000000000000005",
"relaytxes": true,
"lastsend": 1501085703,
"lastrecv": 1501085703,
"bytessent": 115055,
"bytesrecv": 156049,
"conntime": 1501085599,
"timeoffset": -1,
"pingtime": 0.05002,
"minping": 0.05002,
"version": 70201,
"subver": "/Das Core:0.12.2/",
"inbound": false,
"startingheight": 16914,
"banscore": 0,
"synced_headers": -1,
"synced_blocks": -1,
"inflight": [
"whitelisted": false
"id": 6,
"addr": "",
"addrlocal": "",
"services": "0000000000000005",
"relaytxes": true,
"lastsend": 1501085668,
"lastrecv": 1501085703,
"bytessent": 44405,
"bytesrecv": 96970,
"conntime": 1501085606,
"timeoffset": 3,
"pingtime": 0.024954,
"minping": 0.024954,
"version": 70201,
"subver": "/Das Core:0.12.2/",
"inbound": false,
"startingheight": 16913,
"banscore": 0,
"synced_headers": -1,
"synced_blocks": -1,
"inflight": [
"whitelisted": false
"id": 7,
"addr": "",
"addrlocal": "",
"services": "0000000000000005",
"relaytxes": true,
"lastsend": 1501085705,
"lastrecv": 1501085705,
"bytessent": 103136,
"bytesrecv": 64341,
"conntime": 1501085606,
"timeoffset": 0,
"pingtime": 0.035029,
"minping": 0.035029,
"version": 70201,
"subver": "/Das Core:0.12.2/",
"inbound": false,
"startingheight": 16493,
"banscore": 0,
"synced_headers": -1,
"synced_blocks": -1,
"inflight": [
"whitelisted": false
"id": 8,
"addr": "[2001:bc8:4700:2300::3:911]:9399",
"addrlocal": "[2a02:1811:d429:ae00:e5fa:8d0f:5374:a041]:51318",
"services": "0000000000000005",
"relaytxes": true,
"lastsend": 1501085648,
"lastrecv": 1501085636,
"bytessent": 65888,
"bytesrecv": 27432,
"conntime": 1501085608,
"timeoffset": -1,
"pingtime": 0.036352,
"minping": 0.036352,
"version": 70201,
"subver": "/Das Core:0.12.2/",
"inbound": false,
"startingheight": 16914,
"banscore": 0,
"synced_headers": -1,
"synced_blocks": -1,
"inflight": [
"whitelisted": false

Das is downloading blocks... (code -10)