I'm terrible at setting up nodes in Linux (total n00b at it) and a couple of them really helped me out. I haven't finished setting up the nodes yet, mainly because I've gotten to a point in the Linux guide and got stuck again . . but I'm still holding enough for 3 nodes. I really want to get this started but the setup is proving difficult. I get it that it sucks to help people who don't know Linux how to set things up . . but if we want more people to come to the coin, invest, and set up MN's . . . they won't come if there aren't easy to follow instructions. I'm just a goofy Windows user y'all, don't hate on my style
That being said, I will most likely try again in a few days. Has there been any talk about doing a "dumbed down" version of the MN guide? Or . . if anyone has any other documents that would help me, I'm willing to look at them. I seriously tried for like 5 hours to get em set . . . and then I realized I have to do 3
From what I see, the community is holding the coin together. And that's ok . . . but the dev needs to be active as well. I've told people in other Slacks about this coin. I think with continued community support, active dev, this coin has excellent potential.