I feel you mate. First thing I said was WOW when I saw the video about this project. I'm very excited to see this project materialize. If this can be done in one area, it is already a success. Very futuristic and has a lot of advantages.
I think the concept is not new at all. In fact, cargo drones have already been used by big companies like Amazon. The difference is that Deep Aero is based on blockchain technology. But I am just curious if Deep Aero is a manufacturing company or a service-type company?
We will provide drones as a service to consumers. We are purchasing drones on an OEM basis from manufacturers.
You mean to say sir, Deep Aero is one of the dealer of drone where you get it from the manufacturer? correct me if I am wrong Sir. What if
in the near future you didn't meet the demand needs of your community? do you have still option to resolve it? Thank you..
DEEP AERO will be one of the vendors on DRONE-MP. There will be many more vendors also. We are confident that we will be able to meet the demands of our customers.