You can check here if you don't want to calculate it yourself:
But we can try to calculate it.
According to coin info (second post in this thread)
Block reward is controlled by: 2222222/(((Difficulty+2600)/9)^2)
Mastenode reward: 20%
Block Award MN
158000 - 25.0%
175280 - 30.0%
192560 - 35.0%
209840 - 37.5%
227120 - 40.0%
244400 - 42.5%
261680 - 45.0%
278960 - 47.5%
313520 - 50.0%
Block generation: 2.5 minutes
Wee need to know current block number, current difficulty and current number of masternodes in order to know how much each reward is and how often they come. Using this block Explorer get info about current block number and difficulty. It looks like difficulty is around 200 according to the graph so let's use that number. 2222222/(((200+2600)/9)^2) = 22.96
Block 57910: This means masternode reward is still 20%
Looking at latest blocks in the block Explorer makes me beleive the total reward is 23 DSR and 4.6 DSR goes to masternode and rest to miner.
So 4.6 DSR each 2.5 minutes means all masternodes get 4.6*(24*60/2.5) = 2649.6 DSR Daily
So 2649.6 DSR Daily reward is split between all the Active masternodes.
How many masternodes are Active today? According to it is 930.
This means each masternode would get 2649.6/930 = 2.85 DSR Daily say daily reward is 2.62 DSR daily. It is Close enough so I Think we have calculated it correctly.Maybe real block times have been a bit longer than 2.5 minutes or maybe difficulty has changed a bit? say they use real rewards latest 24 hours to calculate.
That's so Detailed. Thanks a lot!