03/13/14 21:23:56 received block 00000000693c85858ae0
03/13/14 21:23:56 SetBestChain: new best=00000000693c85858ae0 height=322480 tr
ust=34413680427 date=03/13/14 21:23:44
03/13/14 21:23:56 ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED
The old client was 1.0.2.
What I did was to delete the old block chain and download again...
The wallet seems to have the same amount now, but doesn't seem to initiate any PoS
So are you saying we might have an incompatible fork now?
EDIT: I have successfully updated some 1.0.3 wallets to 1.0.4, so it might be some issue with 1.0.2 to 1.0.4? Neither wallet does PoS now, even though they have coins since December 2013 in there.
Hash: 00000000693c85858ae0e701b0810bd0d13828a6a8b93052baf6cc4f5a8cbe3b
Previous Block: 0000000018bd7b0d3e02e1e2b2fb1b4fadba70e346dbe91d49b9112c2eadca96
Next Block: 000000005bce924838e20d0c14e4ee3b50cfcd29fb77203dd442c79b237ec096
Height: 322480
Version: 4
Transaction Merkle Root: 380e752bbd9d9c9c81153a81f60de2aafc8b0d0bce3b5baa419c08316aa72f8c
Yes this looks correct, PoS is not turned on just yet, but soon, so keep your coins ready.
1.03 was just fixing connectivity and newer CPs . I'll send a PM