premiere1 why are you trying to sell the source code if you are willing to move the project on? They will be public.
Once we made the decision to take over the project we removed the option to purchase the source code. Please check to verify.
I don't see a reason why you guys are talking about the "source code". Forknote provides the source code given certain attributes.
Source code can be released anytime.
Yes you can mine without the source code of cryptonotes however you dont get to an exchange without the source code.
An what is the point to mine if there is no exchange.
I do understand a LOT about cryptonotes and I can tell you the following, I bet some exchanges might be running Forknote daemons as we talk. Also as you may know ForkNote current version uses Bytecoin's code, ForkNote source code is also public as you may know, it's just a simple way to launch cryptonote coins given certain attributes in a config file. All the "source code" cryptonote coins you know can be launched with forknote. The reverse-engineering can also be done as I said before. Forknote is and will be the most advanced cryptonote software.
Look into any legit crypto-exchange and the bare basic requirement is SOUCE CODE. Don't debate, just look for yourself. Of all the exchanges that you yourself listed you are trying for. They have the same requirement. SOURCE CODE.
Fact is you DO NOT have it. If so it would be on page one of OP. I know the true story with the source code and github and now being 404 page. The DEV does not want this coin on exchange outside of Dinasty Of Freedom because of dumpers and current value would bottom out.
the only one have source code is the author. and it will be on the market as soon we want to go out side of italy. And when we decide to enter in some big exchange like poloniex as theyalready keep in touch with me.
when the international market will look DCy they will see thousands of Shopping in italy where DCy can be spend (we have developed from scrach with 15 months development 8and still we are full time busy in there) many software like mobile webapp, ecommerce, backoffice, social netwok, exchanger, and much more)
What we want to avoid are speculations we are not interested (for us coin are only a way to buy product and services not ti earn making trading). We trying to have a coin to spend not to trade! So need to build a large big market place. Without have external exchange is not a big problem for us at the begining since DCY can be work like several other Complementary Coin that exist in italy and not only. like Sardex, paiexe and more. All of that have value of 1Euro and are not Crypto but digital coins under the control of some company. instead....
We are a community and all work for the same goals. There is not any single Company that control, no any investor that can decide. All decisions are taken by all comunity composed by human beings. We create a Direct democratic software platform we have our private network. I'm the founder and main developer but I'm one! like any other! this is what we are! what w are doing with merchants\merchants who starter this treath was not authorized by community and he don't have any right! such guy premiere1 I don't know who he is and what he want to do. so please to avoid to follow someone that problably trying to follow some persona interest. If someone want to collaborate with us without any speculative personal interested we are open for him... the reason why we make private the Source code was just since we see someone want to act like indepents without really know about DOF community strategy and goals.