2: Pay $80 for GUI Wallet and after that pay $29 per day for 10 minutes of mining every 24 hours; with options to purchase more mining time increments on Dinastyoffreedom Back Office platform. Keep in mind this will be solo mining on CPU only.
this is totally FALSE who writing this is really a liar!
1) gui wallet never need to pay for it
2) the cost was 100DCY for Gui Miner and not dollars one for ever it was need for technical support (we help people also using teamviewer) to mine this is only true 10Minutes at day.
3) Buy now everyone on our community is free to mine 24 hour
if I buy GUI Miner, then can I mining 10 minutes per day or 24 hours?
and what is the use of coins, for which you can not buy anything
firstly who added this tread here make a wrong since this is coins Only for Italians. The reason of this coin is well explained on the first post.. I wrote that since I'm developer and just for a forum of one exchanger that asking informations where afte discover was a private exchanger of a single coin. Who published here was not authorized by me. And he say a lot of falsity.
currently you can mine for 24 hours using Gui Miner and paying 100DCY that you receive like a bonus when You join. So nothing at all to pay. But we give support for who need.
Our goals are will written on first post to help italian. ONLY Who know what EURO really is can understand.
I personally working on a software platform by october 2015 a lot of time before DCY. Now customer and merchantshave their ecommerce also mobile webapp and can sell and buy products and services using DCY.
There are already undreads products on line that can be purchased using DCY some time 100% some time only a % of DCY. but is only for Italian.
here we have higher taxation of the world. Our project will help customer to reduce their euro cost and merchant to reduce taxes and have more margins. Wne people pay a product with DCY merchant do not have to pay tax no even to apply IVA.
who live in italy or want to get vacations here can be happy to fave DCY all other not.
Our goals it is really to make DCY new Italian lira.
We want that coins come back to their original meaning. A way to change product and services. Not to make spculative trading we don't want and we don't like. I understand that all over the world people cannot understand the bad situation here in italy.. .and are not interested at all.. so they can give wrong value to DCy.. But here all of us customers and merchants using DCY by month like ti should be 1euro. And this is real value. So who buy it a lower price in some exchange where someone (not us) trying to insert, will do a good business for the future.
We making agreement whith other ecommerce platform in italy, with associations of merchants and enterpreneurs (always and only ITALIAN).
So the reason why we don't authorize to publish here our informations. This is not the right place since everybody live outside Italy.