Well today with DMD selling at 0.00053559
i guess the genius is who is buying today at 0.00053
I caught a few at that price. Price is back up to .00064 but it looks like the bot is back, so maybe it will go lower tomorrow if no one bites today
Edit: I should add that .00064 is still an awesome buy price!
Fight as team, to dry out this SINGLE bot!
If you spend maybe 15 minutes watching the order book while the bot is working it becomes pretty obvious which orders are the bot's--or at least which orders form the bot's first layer. Then you can pick it all up and very easily push the price back up substantially. That happened just a few minutes ago, but it wasn't all my doing. I think some others picked up DMD between .00053 and .00065.
well seen:
Its simple math: I dump maybe 1k DMD to buy maybe 1400 DMD! Its an old fashion way.
Btw: I saw a spike to 40k sat! wow