I'm sorry but I couldn't find this anywhere or I overlooked it. I just bought some shares in the DMD cloudmining but how long do the shares last?
but their impact on ur payouts deepens if u reached ROI or not
below 100% ROI they get x5 boost on sharepower
(which basical mean 1000 shares would act like 5000 shares until u reach 100% ROI)
thats what enabled us to reopen DMD CLoudmining and make it attractive for new investors
this help to understand DMD Cloudmining:
https://multipool.bit.diamonds/attachments/Terms_of_use.pdfThanks for sharing this guide. I guess I needed a better understanding of cloud mining shares before investing into it. Didn't checked the official site where this was explained. I'll take a look at this guide to start investing.
By the way, how long (estimated) would it take for me to reach ROI? Let's say I start with $20...would it take months or years for ROI? Sorry for asking, I'm just getting to understand how this works.
slower as pure cloudmining solutions
because we reinvest 50% of income
but where else u get real unlimited time income source
and with that new shareboost for users that didnt reach ROI
we help to balance the endless earnings of users vs the initial ROI phase to let new investors reach ROI state faster
dmd cloudmining isnt a normal cloudmining solution if have investments split spread in lot crypto business operations
so we can hard look into future
it might turn out we beat any standard cloudmining if we had a good instinct with our investments
but that we cant gurantee
its a mix of normal cloudmining capacities and other investments
the whole idea of DMD CLoudmining was born back the days when i did basical the same for myself
and now i do it for myself and everyone who join into dmd cloudmining
i ask for no fees for the endless hours i invest in this its a supportive act for DMD
and the maingoal in all investments is not fastest ROI but longterm income sources
i can give no other gurantees than i manage ur investment the same way as my own
in fact i still hold 40% of all cloudmining shares all bought the same way as any other user
and yes i did ROI already and my shares dont get any shareboost
so since the rulechange all u earn more than me (or other early investors who did reach ROI already) for ur shares
if u that kind of guy who spend lot hours himselfd study cloudmining and other cryptoinvestment possibilities
i suggest u dont use DMD Cloudmining and do it on ur own
if u that kind of guy who want to gather just BTC i suggest u dont go with DMD Cloudmining
it make only sence to take part if u try to gather DMD
which in my fact is still by far better storage of wealth solution than BTC
take my word write down BTC $ value today and the dollar value of 1 BTC worth of DMD u buy today
and then compare in 1 year the value of one BTC vs the DMD u bought + the DMD u staked with them
the first one who can in a year claim the value of DMD is lower will get 1000 DMD from me
lets write the numbers down:
so 360/0.27=1333 DMD
in a year we compare $ value of 1 BTC against $ value of 1333 DMD + staking income of that 1333 in that year
take my word if i am wrong and its less the first one claim it on 30.11.2016 (use CET time) gets 1000 DMD from me
people might say but dont u know BTC have a POW reward halfing
yes i know DMD have a reward halfing too and inflation decrease a lot
and additional i have the advantage to know what we prepare for 2016
so i am really not afraid to lose that bet