I think this type of patience can take months or even years to learn. Maybe the seller wanted to do some Christmas shopping
It's getting to be that time of the year. Maybe his shopping spree will make someone in his life really happy.
I have nothing against selling your stake or even selling your entire stash if one feels to do so. What I think is extremely STUPID is dumping such large amount of coins in one or two transactions. Assuming that person didnt need BTC to pay for something real life emergency, which is rarely the case, there s no real need to dump cause that way you LOSE money. Yet, people rarely have enough patience for selling a bit at a time. This is the main difference between real investors and pumpers and dumpers. Most of real investors are EXTREMELY patient.
10 guys will be able get themself a special xmas present this year
a endless unique named legendary10 private reactor address
who know in a few years the ownership of a legendary 10 address will be more worth than only the DMD in it and earned by staking
the world is crazy people sold the word love stored in bitcoin blockcian and it have value because it was the first time it was done and it stay forever in the blockchain stored
same will be with this legendary10 addresses
i expect their value for gatherer of unique things much higher than we can even guess in our wildest dreams
a change of ownership = sell a legendary10 right to get his address placed and linked to a legendary diamond in wallet code will be possible
so they might have a high resellvalue too
(change of the linked address will be possible on a later date so u can sell them required will be that u prove ownership by sign a msg with the address and we wont do a special ghardfork for that so such a trade will have to wait until there is a wallet with hardfork included to become active)
i have really no idea how high the auction for the legendary10 will go
minimum bid is clear set with 3 BTC
but we are willing to start with required dev tasks as soon as possible
sell 2 of the 10 already now before the auction at a flat 4 BTC each