Ive been usnig that for a while now, normally generating about 1 DMD per day, but lately it's not been producing. Im assuming this is because of a reduced demand for lyra2.
Since I have never been able to mine DMD using my R9-280x cards, CPU mining has been my only option. Yet since that now is also producing next to nothing, im looking for other options to mine DMD.
Suggestions (of a non cynical nature) welcome...
PS, I would appreciate a link to a website which details where we are in the blockchain and POS percentages. Mainly looking for when to expect the halving and POS reductions.
Maybe you do not know, but there is a site where you can see quite voluminous information about Diamond.
For example the number of coins is produced per day https://chainz.cryptoid.info/dmd/#!overview
Knowing this, you can easily calculate the time to reduce the award.
when subtracted from the total amount the mining coins, the average value DMD is produced per day.