Could be interperted as "off" or "we dont care anymore thanks" if it is not like that then great.
I ddint find anything about the modivation in this thread or on
Kinda hard to build on when stuff just goes missing suddenly from a wallet.
Did you check the wallet address at or to verify? Are the tokens and/or XDP actually missing? It's certainly a bit confusing, but
if your tokens are visible in the explorer, what you're seeing is likely some kind of wallet display issue. That doesn't really affect what is actually in your wallet, nor your ability to use the APIs to build something on top of Dogeparty.
As for our intentions, I'm talking about the original threads on Reddit created during the run-up to the burn... Although I believe that others on /r/xdp and /r/dogecoin also mention them. That said, we
do still plan to update it and work on Dogeparty. There
are people getting involved. But that post above is correct, there isn't an existing full-time team working on it. This isn't a matter of not caring, it's just priorities.
Now, I should state my own views here: While it would be nice to be feature complete, I personally don't believe that the DEx makes a significant difference for the platform as a whole. The Counterparty DEx was never very comfortable to use, and although Dogeparty's will be faster, I'm not convinced that speed alone solves the general usability (and liquidity) issues. But I pass the baton to you DEx enthusiasts and would be more than happy to be proven utterly wrong on that point.
tl;dr If it were free or cheap to build the DEx, we would have it already. But the real value of the DEx compared to the work needed to enable it seems a bit off for us. If you positively must have it, please spin up the necessary components and help us to get it working. Here are some documents that should help with the spin-up: