Hi, we use the codes to compile dolphincoin wallet on ubuntu, you can try with it.
cd dolphincoin/src
make -f makefile.unix USE_UPNP=-
i get an error message when i try dev... would be good to setup a 24/7 node for dolphincoin!
Can anyone help? Would really love to get Dolphincoin wallet on my raspberry pi and help the community
Hey mate, I know we had talked about this. I've just uploaded to MEGA a Raspberry Pi DolphinCoind. The one i used just b4 my Pi went down. Also
included in the tar.gz package is the source code i used to compile the client. I hope it serves your purpose.
LINK=> https://mega.co.nz/#!RtBUQbjY!qgK0OoOpuZXIyKh_IuT1-c9egwmGQTxJDAjn87405PM