I'm trying to go thru all the comments and try and address them, but I am NOT an expert on this quoting lark, so I'll try and answer them as I saw them ...
First of all, thank you to everyone for the kind comments on the video, it is much appreciated ...
I saw a couple of people asking for a dopecoin address, but before I add it to this post, I would like to say, I didn't actually create it for a reward ... it's just a natural addition to what I already do in my own marketing efforts in other markets ... however, since there are other things that need addressing, which I will mention below, here is an address people can send further development funds to, if they so wish ...
Goldie's Dopecoin Development Fund Address : DTAM4hhodBej3uoTaWtsSHKYSj6CwUFdnB ...
ALL DONATIONS INTO THIS ADDRESS WILL BE DOCUMENTED AND TRANSPARENT SO THAT INVESTORS CAN SEE WHERE THEIR DOPE HAVE GONEDEVELOPMENTS ON THE TABLE#1 ... Payment Integration On https://liftedbud.comI have already tasked a developer to integrate dopecoin fully into the liftedbud storefront, once we have this, other dispensaries waiting in the pipeline can then also be added quickly to the repertoire ... DOPE COSTS @150sats : 173,766 (this is on the higher end, so it could be less. we won't know until the developer gets into it deeper)
#2 ... https://dopecoinseeds.comDopecoinseeds is coming along slowly, the developers had to write a load of scripts to be able to bring in various stock feeds etc. ... it's coming along nicely and currently on schedule for completion in 2-3 weeks ... we may have to stop development temporarily to incorporate #1 above ...
#3 ... http://missdopecoin.comThe first month was very slow in respect to entrants and I believe we can only really choose one winner ... this we will do and try and push it a little harder within the next month so that we get more entrants to pick from ... otherwise, we may actually go hunting around other social media sites and choose our own favorites and send them a surprise entrance into the comp ... a litle help from the community here would certainly make things a little mre exciting on that front .... DOPE COSTS : 4200 (for the april winner)
#4 ... Direct fiat Exchange For DopecoinThis is something that we are seriously considering for dopecoinseeds.com .. the issue that I have is that to acquire dopecoin for purchases can be somewhat daunting for a beginner and therefore we are looking at options where we can exchange $, £ etc directly for dopecoin so that consumers can benefit from the discounts offered for dopecoin purchases within the store .. this is something I have in the pipe and will smoke slowly as we figure out the best way to handle it .. if anyone has some experience of this then I would sure like to hear from you
#5 - Social MediaDopecoinseeds has added several sites so far and intend to integrate more fully with other pieces of software we have stashed away (we are software developers for marketers) ... accounts added for mainline dopecoin promotion are :
Facebook :
https://www.facebook.com/groups/dopecoinseeds/Google + :
https://plus.google.com/103259105120672653783/Twitter :
https://twitter.com/DopeCoinSeedsSteemit :
https://steemit.com/@dopecoinseedsInstagram :
https://www.instagram.com/dopecoinseeds/Coming Soon : Linkedin & Pinterest
#6 - Further Youtube Videos I fully intend on making further videos .. all I need from the community are a list of what you'd like to see and I would get to them as soon as possible
I'm sure I've missed a load of comments etc. and this post has kinda turned into a mission statement, but I hope all can see that I am more than committed into turning Dopecoin into the monsterous reality it should be ...
Oh, as a final note, if you know of anyone involved in the industry that may want some additional exposure to their products, then please let me know and we would be more than happy to add them to either dopecoinseeds.com OR other successful cannabis related websites we own ... i shall say no more about these at this time
Thanks for reading / listening ...
Wow, I love all of the work, great job GoldieX! I sent you some DopeCoins to the fund! Thank you for all of your hard work. I can't wait to see what's up next!