Hi everyone!
So nice to see how work proceeds! I have the same problem someone has stressed, my wallet doesn't sync, I cancelled conf and peers as well, then i added nodes BelgianBoy has suggested, but nothing works! Let me know if someone is able to get over this problem!
Someone downgraded tot 8.5.4 to sync and after he Will do the new update.
Thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately even adding the nodes the wallet get stuck after 5 blocks, so weird, I'll keep trying!
CryptoCoderz said: "Wallet v0.8.6.0 is a mandatory update in otherwords you MUST update your client to this version. By doing so you will ensure smooth operation of your copy of the chain as well as numerous fixes that have been rolled up in this accumulative update."
Yep, that's what I've done, and after seeing the wallet got stuck I tried everything that the people here suggested! No problem, I'll keep trying something else!
same problem as you.
stuck at 649999 blocks
if I delete all and start from scratch, stuck at 5 blocks
I'm reading and testing... and waiting... and praying...
ye, no wonder this coin can never get traction :/
This community, i swear, you can put icing on a chunk of shit and people just eat it up ;p
guess we will wait a few more months for next update....
not gonna lie, getting a bit tired of the same old broken crap here, o well, thats ESP baby! (at this point) ;p
/sigh, check back innna few more weeks for me i guess...
Bothered looking at the BE?
Have you bothered to notice the chain actually running perfectly fine? Have you considered that we are humans with our own lives to handle besides devving and do our best to provide updates as quickly as possible?
Have you noticed the new retarget system is completely new? That takes time to build and test...
Have you noticed that nothing is broken or were the two big articles just completely missed and ignored just to throw more fud at?
I encourage anyone to please find a project more worth your time, or make an effort to assist instead of complaining about things that are 90% of the time non issues.
If what we do isn't good enough for you, go find some ICO to dump your money in! Who's holding you back? Everyone loves ICOs despite losing money on them all the time and this project is done nothing but do its best for its users without any ICO.
We've never buckled, always provides fixes and solutions, not good enough for you guys? Seriously GO! Dump your coins and leave. I'll probably be the one buying them and gladly take them off your hands as I nor the rest of the team is going to stop working on this project. Just means more coins for the people who care.
If you'd like a bootstrap there's one hosted at
https://muex.io/BootstrapThis has been posted numerous times before and will now be added to the OP to avoid this topic coming up again