Does it fixes the staking issue?
Yes, upon the softfork at block 667K staking will resume normal operation
Does it fixes the staking issue?
Should but more nodes are needed. As soon as most of us have updated. Don´t know if it's 51% or by block. Dev?
Personally I had 10 connections, however this was after allowing the client to run for some time.
Also PLEASE, remove your old Espers.conf and allow the client to you make you a new one.
There is a new node list and you're probably still using the old one.
Nothing changed with new client.
Still only orphans and rejects during POW and POS.
I don't see something is fixed.
If you would have bothered reading the update announcement you would have noticed it stated several times that AFTER THE SOFTFORK the issues will be resolved with staking and PoW, we do not want to suddenly fork and have a big mess. Thank you for understanding.
Thank you for this update! I ran the client after having erased everything but the .dat, now it doesn't sync, maybe I need some nodes? It's stuck at 28° week from the end!
If you haven't already please remove your config file and allow the client to simply generate you a new one.
After it does this you'll notice a new nodelist and you'll start syncing.
POW & POS blockchain broken for a month and a half ..
what misery
Ummm.... Do you ever read before you post? There was a GIANT article about this, NOTHING IS BROKEN hahahaha, it's running fine, if you notice the BlockExplorer it will confirm this for you.
Now is it hard to actually stake or mine a block before one of the 1000s of block submissions is actually accepted? Yeah, is sure is... but please open your eyes a little more before posting complete rubbish about this project.
It seems to be your hobby here to post falsities so I'd like to ask you to stop.
@Everyone>>>New Espers Client - Version Patch-0<<<March 31st, 2017 (above is the windows client, Mac coming soon)>>>Source<<<Has now been released!
GitHub has been updated... now let us explain what this update entails.
v0.8.6.0 is a mandatory update in otherwords you MUST update your client to this version. By doing so you will ensure smooth operation of your copy of the chain as well as numerous fixes that have been rolled up in this accumulative update.
We of course recommend backing up your wallet.dat file however this is not necessary as
this is a seamless update from the previous client with no loss of coins, no re-sync required no-nonsense. The softfork to the new custom-built retarget system named "Terminal-Velocity-RateX" or "VRX" for short is designed from the ground up to integrate properly with the Velocity parameter enforcement system to ensure users no longer receive orphan blocks, insanely large debug logs, frequently rejected blocks, random forking, not being able to sync due to no connections, and other issues. These have been resolved.
After VRX kicks in everyone will notice the rejects nearly stop all-together (there will of course still be the occasional one while the difficulty adjusts to wild changes in hashrate but NOTHING like it is now.Coming up next is a patch to the mining system which will simply only allow good blocks to be mined, thus removing the possibility of being rejected, at this point Velocity will only be a security system instead of "big brother" and protect the chain from old/depricated clients while they are still temporarily allowed on the network (until later protocol versions deny their connection later on in future updates) and/or possible attacks.
We hope that you enjoy this update and rest assured, there are MANY more coming. At long last mining is coming in the next update and much much more
Stay tuned!
(PS: The softfork is 14 days out from the date of this post! (block 667k))