As mining ESPER2 in CPU ?
where is the download page?
Thank you!
The 1st post of this ANN has links
open all links and not found ..... I'm too blind
also struggling to figure out how to cpu mine on esp2
There are no pools yet. If you are trying to cpu mine, you need to use ocminer's cpuminer. Cryptocoderz has provided a link in the post above this that I will quote below. cpuminer-opt does not have getwork support so it will not work for solomining. If you have linux or mac and want to mine you have to compile the miner manually. The source code can be found here: solomine with it (steps 2 & 3 only have to be done once:
1. you need to create and then edit your Espers.conf file to allow rpc mining:
- On Windows it should be put in the ESP folder within APP get to it open a file explorer and type %APPDATA%\ESP in the file explorer's url box
- For Mac it will be in the ESP folder within the Application Support Folder. This folder is located at /Users/username/Library/Application Support/ where username is your username
- On linux the .ESP folder is located in the home folder. Type cd ~/.ESP to get to that folder from within the teminal
2. Add RPC support and protection by adding the following lines into the newly created Espers.conf file:
3. Close and Reopen Espers Client (the wallet)
4. Run the cpuminer:
-open a terminal on mac or linux and for windows open a command prompt (press ctrl+r and type cmd)
-start the miner:
cpuminer -a quark -o -O yourrpcusername:yourrpcpassword
(note that only this miner uses quark as the algo choice. it is a hacked up job by ocminer to get people mining quicker when he first set up his pool for ESPv1. All other miners use the correct hmq1725 for the algo)
4. Wait and see those sweet, sweet Espers piling up in your wallet 5,000 at at time
Link to Windows cpuminer: