Some read:
Statement On The Hardfork To Address Spam Attacks everyone,
Very busy day for statements it seems but the silver lining I suppose is that lots of activity is much much better than no activity. My feed has been filled with some misconceptions by outside a parties about this protocol improvement so I wanted to state the following:
This is a protocol improvement.
This protocol improvement is very much aligned with our principles of immutability.
It has been stated by many since day 1 that protocol improvement is 100% acceptable.
The discussions taking place are about the pro's vs con's of doing it sooner as opposed to later.
General strategy and dev advice leans towards later. (Block 2,500,000 about 1 week 10-25-16)
A simple course of action recommended for ETC geth users by /u/bit_novosti
Use classic geth release (
Upgrade to the latest classic geth release available at the above link shortly before planned hard fork date (2016-10-25)
For ETC parity users: continue to run parity, update to latest parity version prior to 2016-10-25.
For light wallet users (Jaxx, classicetherwallet): no change needed.
Update #1
Discussions with ETH on gitter have taken place. They are updating their release to warn users not to use their geth if users want to stay ETC.
Please voice your opinions about this matter, discussion leads to better decision making. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
I have no issue with a protocol fork, lets get on with it, hay?
I have installed classic geth release (
2.0 and 3.0
will not sync.
Jaxx, you cannot see a transmited transaction before it gets a conformation. Moreover, you cannot reuse addresses so no good for pointing mining equipment to it.
classicetherwallet has poor security. Do you want me to post some random private text keys alongwith their coresponding ETC addresses and a "how-to" to prove it? How many do you want? I'm not gonna post mine (even though i empty it daily) but i will pull some at random if you wish. How about a bounty?
Try using this stuff daily!
If you want to get ETC off your geth wallet,
use as it allows you to upload your geth
UTC keystore file. Just remember to select ETC only.
It will also prompt you for the "password" you used when you set up your geth account.
By far the safest way to get ETC off your frozen geth. Just send it straight to a pre arranged shapeshift address to cash out in BTC or LTC, (no BURST option yet.)