@OP Thanks bud, I have had a wonderful time mining and collecting your coins. You are good at computing but your game theory sucks! You had the opportunity to finish your degree until Peter Thiel tempted you to drop out of university for a measly sum of $100,000.
I had to drop out of university in the final year of my BSc (Hons) because both the cost of tuition fees and transport costs forced me into Bankruptcy. I would have loved to have had my Honors Degree and Bachelor of Science. I was only 9 months away from passing with First Class Honors.
Well what's done is done. I'm a miner now and my game theory is better than yours. I have had so many sh*ts and giggles over ethereum. The entertainment value has been priceless but boy you are dumb!
But what times do we live in where money has become more important than wisdom, knowledge, education and enlightenment?
You are half Russian and you let capitalism own you! You are young. I am old. But here is a message from this mad old woman... remember this; all the money you make... it will never buy back your soul. Get your ass back to school, you need to work harder on that Game Theory of yours, knowledge is not wisdom.
My concern is ... where is Vitalik ? last login was a month ago Last Active: June 30, 2016, 03:12:02 AM
from my exp this is not a good sign..
Most of all serious Dev's don't use this forum, at least not much.
So, it's not a sign at all. He is active: https://www.reddit.com/user/vbuterin
That's something I really like about him. He is very communicative. Also on twitter: https://twitter.com/vitalikbuterin?lang=eng