A Painful Lesson For The Ethereum Community
Nice read, thanks.
I liked these quotes the most.
"Or, in the language of another world, the Ethereum central bank has directly recapitalized the DAO commercial bank by monetizing its debts."
"The Ethereum community has agreed to a change that makes their system less trustworthy than a conventional financial system. For a technology that aims to disrupt conventional financial systems, that is not clever."
"bailouts were – and probably still are – inevitable. Refusing to bail them out would be a major breach of faith"
"Ethereum is only immutable because Buterin says it is. Until he changes his mind. Which he inevitably will, next time there is a major loss. His investors will expect him to, since – y’know – the system is still “in development”. And he will agree, since – y’know – the community is in charge."
Crazy, it's like she knows a thing or two about currency.
It already happened. The HF is done with. If you really feel the need to (continuously) cry over it, then please start a new thread. Otherwise, how about we move on to working toward the same goals the community had for a month ago for Ethereum.
and for the thread well you have to live with critic. there is not just claping hands for the hf
and this is not a promotion thread, if newly interested people will come here and get informations about what the ether is they should find all infos not just the ones you like to select and polish.
LOL, are you still here crying?
How many pages of emo will we have to see?
Soooo.. lemme guess. You shorted ETH and faceplanted?
hmm would be nice to defame all critics as failed investors who cry now? isnt it?
no i was a ether beliver . got my ether with the crowd sale. believed in it. was a holder. saw with shock what the dao did .befor the attacker. hoped for ether to stay independent. befor the crowdsale i read on the ethereum page: invest but be aware its not save you might lose all.
when i saw you really do this hf, i sold them. the ether after the hf is not what it was supoosed to be.
and you seem to close your eyes. for the greater pofit?
So.. if you sold them and got out. What the f**k is this whining about?
At this point it just looks like you have sand in your vagina
Its a well known expression.
You beeing so emo and sensitive i should have sensed that "sand under your foreskin" would be better. So sorry....
Or maybe you could learn how to speak to people in general. If you cannot respect people, you deserve none yourself.
That went out the window after pages of useless whining.
Move to another thread.
Or you could just stop whining about us being here. We have no reason to move to another thread. We're talking about ETH.
If this thread was closed then we'd be on the Ethereum Classic thread. You would then have to create a new thread for your new centralized version of Ethereum. mETH (mutable Ether) or ETHHF (Ether Hard Fork) or I guess you should go with ETH-DAOFORK1. Whatever works for you guys, I suppose.
This thread belongs to Ethereum and the dev team.
Thats why this is the main thread.
I saw multiple tries on new threads yesterday ... i guess it hurts that people ignore the feeble cries.