Make sure you use --rpc eg: gexp.exe --port "42786" --rpc --rpcaddr "192.168.1.x" --rpcport 9656 --rpccorsdomain "*" console
Thank you, the --rpcaddr switch seemed to get it to connect, however it doesn't seem to get work from the gexp client and just sits there saying [timestamp] gpuminer0 workLoop 1 #00000000... #00000000
Currently googling and searching for an answer, but one here would be appreciated
Are you running Ethminer on Windows 7 or 8.1 or Ubuntu?
In my exp:
Win 7: run WELL with Radeon cards and just OK with Nvidia cards (1 card is normal, more than 2 will slow down)
Win 8.1: run OK with Radeon cards but start up very long. Like Win 7, 1 card is OK, more than 2 will not run or run very slow.
Ubuntu: run very SMOOTH and STABLE with both Radeon and Nvidia cards. Plus, could be overclocked.
If you like to run Ethminer on Ubuntu, you can take a look at
You can see a setup instruction and some command lines to help you fix many problem.