POWER RESULTSOk. We plugged the minirig into a 20 amp 120v circuit that is rated for 100% utilization.
The results were that the minirig was using no less than 17 amps and would use up to 20 amps. The breaker does not trip but I am sure we are getting close to the edge.
If you take the high side of these results, aka, all boards pulling full wattage at the same time, the result is that you should plan for 2,400 watts for each 500Gh/s unit.
This works out to 4.5 watts per Gh/s plus overhead for all fans.
Please remember that this is being pulled from 2 PSUs so you could plug a minirig in at home on two seperate 15 amp 120v circuits.
You would just need to figure out how to deal with 2,400 watts of heat.