few people have been asking about the future of FUCK Token so I wanted to give you an update on our short/mid-term plans for development. After our successful Reddit tip bot launch and weeks of conceptualizing, we’re really excited to put these plans into action and get to work!
Short Term (1-4 weeks)Payment GatewayThe back-end of our credit card to FUCK payment gateway is finished and the front-end design is starting tomorrow. This gateway will allow new users to buy FUCKs through our website with a Coinbase account. You will also be able to send ETH from any address, and it will deposit FUCKs into your tip bot account. Our goal is to have a simple, straightforward way for anyone unfamiliar with cryptocurrencies to get started tipping FUCKs.
BrandingWe have decided migrate our Reddit tip bot website to our main website. In the coming weeks, we will be redesigning the site and adding more content/functionality. Expect an updated whitepaper and roadmap included in this redesign. In terms of our other social media pages, we’ll be holding a banner contest for Reddit/Twitter/Youtube using our new text logo. We’d like to redesign r/FuckToken and give the community the chance to vote on the best banner.
Mid Term (4-12 weeks)Tip Bot HubWe are currently in the concept stage of designing a tip bot hub where users have the option to link their social media accounts to one tip bot wallet. For example, you can get tipped FUCKs on Reddit and send FUCKs immediately on Twitter. In the coming weeks we will begin development on this hub and release updates on progress. If you have any creative names for this hub, let us know! FUCK Hub might give off the wrong impression of what it is
Twitter/Twitch/Slack/Discord Tip BotsOnce the hub is completed, we will begin onboarding new social media tip bots. Twitter is our top priority and will be the next tip bot that you can send FUCKs with. With the backbone of the tip bot hub finished, onboarding new platforms will be simple. We will be thoroughly testing each bot before public release and will not be releasing until it meets our quality standards.
Draft Plugin ConceptsWe’d like to create Wordpress and chrome tip bot plugins that will open up a number of blogs to receiving FUCKs. Wordpress has a 50-60% share of the global content management share market, and over 15 million websites use it. This could open up a massive userbase for bloggers being tipped in FUCKs.
Community InputMost of these jobs have candidates we’ll be hiring, but if you are interested in helping out feel free to PM me. We're always looking for dedicated community members that want to help. We’re absolutely stoked on all the FUCK related developments on the way. You have our word- the FUCKs will be flying this winter.