How can we make sure that all reviews are valid? Most likely some people will just do reviews for the payment, not considering what they write for. Also, invalid reviews can also affect your readers and business alike.
Our plan is to build solid AI that would help us filter out users that write fake reviews. We understand AI implementation can be complex and needs a lot of data in order to build solid AI model, so this functionality will be published when its ready. On existing platforms users that write fake reviews are usually higher level reviewers who have a lot of trust, traction and presence. These same users worked really hard to build their profile to the point where they can monetise their service of fake reviews. For such users implementing some sort of "proof of stake" - staking part of earned tokens or part of earned level before posting can be real turn off to sell fake reviews. On the other hand - we are THE platform that rewards reviews, so users that work hard and build reputation will most likely be able to earn more by staying honest and just keep using the platform as intended.