We haven't forgotten about YOU!Bittrex had been sent the working wallet so send in a ticket for them to allow us to remove our coins
and we believe this could constitute theft.
Just working hard behind the scenes to get the awesome platform together that will be connected to GLOBE.
Patience will be rewarded so hang in there and join or newly setup Discord Room, be active if you can and support
our projects where and when you are able as they will all be tied together and benefit each other.
https://discord.gg/y8nzzjuGLOBE is being reborn into greatness by a fantastic Team, this is the first step.
Support the Project. Support the Network by your mining GLOBE.
In the coming days and weeks there will be further announcements.
This is not some scam takeover of a scam we are all too familiar with.
This is legit, a long term project.
IW and our Teams have no affiliation with the old dev or anyone from this thread.
We did after much effort locate and hire the original paid coder who made the original wallet for the old dev.
We asked him to check for viruses and he informed us only he made commits to the code used for this fork.
This hired coder is mammix2 and we are very grateful for his help.
Happy Mining!
Windows wallet:
OSX wallet:
If you want to do a pull from my repo for linux / node builds etc. use this temporarily until
the new official repo is up and running:
https://github.com/mammix2/global-masterBLOCK REWARD SCHEDULE:
NOTE: The reason there are 0 rewards in the beginning was to get the chain working without mining
too many coins and to give the Community/GLOBE a more fair launch, it takes time to load the chain
and get the miner running.
Proof of Work (POW) Schedule:
Blocks 182006 - 182999 = 0
Blocks 183000 - 183800 = 2000 GLOBE per block
Blocks 183801 - 184440 = 1000 GLOBE per block
Blocks 184441 - 188040 = 500 GLOBE per block
Blocks 188041 - 192360 = 250 GLOBE per block
Blocks 192361 - 196680 = 125 GLOBE per block
Blocks 196681 - 201000 = 50 GLOBE per block
Blocks 201001 - 339240 = 25 GLOBE per block
Blocks 339241 - 343560 = 50 GLOBE per block
Blocks 343561 - 347880 = 250 GLOBE per block
Blocks 347881 - 352200 = 500 GLOBE per block
Blocks 352201 - 356520 = 250 GLOBE per block
Blocks 356521 - 360840 = 125 GLOBE per block
Blocks 360841 - 365160 = 50 GLOBE per block
Blocks 365161 - 890760 = 25 GLOBE per block
Blocks 890761 - 1416360 = 12.5 GLOBE per block
Blocks 1416361 - 1941960 = 6 GLOBE per block
Blocks 1941961 - Forever = 5 GLOBE per block
Proof of Stake (POS) Schedule:
Blocks 182006 - 182999 = 0
Blocks 183000 - 183800 = 1000 GLOBE per block
Blocks 183801 - 184440 = 1000 GLOBE per block
Blocks 184441 - 188040 = 500 GLOBE per block
Blocks 188041 - 192360 = 375 GLOBE per block
Blocks 192361 - 196680 = 360 GLOBE per block
Blocks 196681 - 201000 = 250 GLOBE per block
Blocks 201001 - 339240 = 25 GLOBE per block
Blocks 339241 - 343560 = 400 GLOBE per block
Blocks 343561 - 347880 = 1000 GLOBE per block
Blocks 347881 - 352200 = 550 GLOBE per block
Blocks 352201 - 356520 = 360 GLOBE per block
Blocks 356521 - 360840 = 200 GLOBE per block
Blocks 360841 - 365160 = 100 GLOBE per block
Blocks 365161 - 890760 = 25 GLOBE per block
Blocks 890761 - 1416360 = 12.5 GLOBE per block
Blocks 1416361 - 1941960 = 6 GLOBE per block
Blocks 1941961 - Forever = 5 GLOBE per block
Coinbase Maturity is set at 110 blocks for generated coins.
1 minute block target time.
Minimum age of coins selected for staking is 6 hours.
Maximum age of coins selected for staking is indefinite.
Globalcoin.conf (belongs in %appdata%\global):
CPU MINING-QuiBit-simplified version:
Get mining in a few simple steps.
To start mining Global:
1) Download the global.zip from:
2) Extract to %appdata% ( c:\users\
3) Download the Miner.zip from: https://mega.nz/#!QdRUBJSA!udsyCnAi70_kNDfNKZ99yn7z2PvOdE7ZqFOsqKG7aZI
4) extract to c:\
5) Doubleclick c:\global\global-qt.exe to open the wallet
6) Wait for it to sync the blockchain
7) Double click c:\global\miner.bat to start mining
CPU MINING-QuiBit-full manual:
1) Download the wallet.
2) Extract the zip into a directory - eg c:\global
3) open DOS box, cd to your directory and run: global-qt -addnode= -addnode= -rpcuser=user -rpcpassword=password -rpcport=19556 -server
4) That'll start the wallet and have it accept mining requests.
5) Download the miner from: https://github.com/tpruvot/cpuminer-multi/releases
cpuminer-multi - crypto cpuminer (linux + windows)
6) Extract it to a directory - eg c:\global\miner
7) cd to that directory and run: cpuminer-x64.exe -o http://localhost:19556 --userpass=user:password -a qubit
Cool Congratulations you're now mining - or will be when the wallet syncs. You may need to restart it a couple of times to complete the initial sync, it gets hung up sometimes.
This miner can be run while you have your CPU miner running.
1) Download this miner
2) Extract it to any directory/place you would like.
3) Click on the miner.bat file to run it.
Here is a workable version of the .conf:
Some could figure it out.
More detailed instructions to follow...