We couldn't provide full information now. But it is most likely that the first exchange will be HitBTC.
In any case, this is better than Etherdelta. Thank you
Moreover, we will not sell anything, we will wait until better times
I aree with you, colleague!
With all due respect to you, I do not want to say ,that trade will not develop further than trede on Etherdelta exchange
The question was about the first exchange, and I put forward the assumption, where the token will appear for the first time after ISO.
I'm talking about buying
In this variant, the first exchange on which they will appear will be Ezerdelta. And there will appear people who believe in the project and are ready to invest money. And they are able to buy after ICO.
And if the number of these people starts to grow 8, then we will undoubtedly see our dear token on Polonix and Bitrex
Who thinks so?
impatient people) who want to sell faster or want to buy, if he did not have time to buy tokens on the ICO.
Etherdelta is not exactly an exchange: it's a medium to exchange tokens but very basic.