
Topic: {ANN} Hector Network: Where (3,3) & (4,4) became; A Deflationary Utility Token. - page 15. (Read 14029 times)

Activity: 2240
Merit: 4133 - Automatic crypto Swap Exchange.

Hectorians! The first donation of our merchandise earnings had been donated to Childhood Leukemia Foundation. It was 90% of total earnings, instead of 50%.
The total amount was around $1850, so 14.141 LTC.

Here is the transaction hash:

Hectorians! HIP-030 The Hector Finance Emission Plan has passed with 98.15% of votes in favour.

Work has begun. We estimate that it will take around 1.5 months to finish creating the system.

Over the coming weeks, we will be speaking with you all to gather feedback on locking periods, voting systems, etc. to make sure this Emission Plan is the best that it can be. We’re really looking forward to building the future of the Hector Finance project with you.

Keep an eye out in Telegram and Discord for open calls to speak about the new system.

One more step today. Many more steps to come.
Activity: 2240
Merit: 4133 - Automatic crypto Swap Exchange.

Hectorians! As we now have new, amazing branding, we thought it would be suitable to bring out some new merch designs!

This is apart of the effort to keep the merch updated with Hector Finance's updates and innovations. While these new designs are being released, some older sizes are being phased out.

Don't miss out! Have a browse of our new line:

HECTORIANS! Thank you all so much for the feedback, support, and questions regarding the emission plan. The time has come to vote.

Summary of the plan:
- A finite supply cap of HEC will be established

- The Emission Plan consists of 13 periods of 8 weeks (2 years) over which HEC tokens will be minted and distributed, with inflation reducing at each period at predetermined, predictable rates. This will reduce inflation and lift the artificial price ceiling of the HEC token.

- Users will still be able to stake normally during the 2 year plan

- Users will be able to lock their tokens in farms which will give boosted rewards. Longer locks will have larger rewards.

- Since the Emission Plan parameters such as total supply cap, reward rate, and emission rate will depend upon the number of circulating tokens at the time of implementation, exact parameters cannot be given at this stage

- However, at this moment it is fair to assume a starting range of between 100 and 200% is very likely

Vote below:
Activity: 2240
Merit: 4133 - Automatic crypto Swap Exchange.

HECTORIANS! TOR Farm surpassed again 30% APR!

Don't miss this chance to farm with Stable for this AMAZING return!

Join with TOR or USDC or DAI!



Hectorians! Congratulations to the winners of the $TOR giveaway 👍:

The second chance to get a Whitelist spot for the upcoming Mythos Collection!

Check our tweet:

Activity: 2240
Merit: 4133 - Automatic crypto Swap Exchange.

Hectorians! As promised, here is the article explaining the emission plan:

Please also make sure to watch the Community Update Session for a full explanation:

We will be here to answer your questions.

Meanwhile... TOR Pool keeps growing!

TVL - 23.3M
APR 27.25%

Nice and Steady income for Stables!

Farm Now
Activity: 2240
Merit: 4133 - Automatic crypto Swap Exchange.

Hectorians! We have now launched the OTC Desk. If you hold more than 15,000 HEC tokens and would like an OTC deal, click the link on the staking page!

Reminder: The Community Update Session this week will be tomorrow (Friday) at 20.00 UTC
Activity: 2240
Merit: 4133 - Automatic crypto Swap Exchange.

Hectorians! We’ve written an article giving an overview of the Hector Finance Team. Give it a read!

Hectorians! Here is the first NFT giveaway of our upcoming Mythos Collection!

Check the tweet for your chance to win one Epic Zeus (No. 2/19).

Good luck!
Activity: 2240
Merit: 4133 - Automatic crypto Swap Exchange.

Let’s celebrate great news with a TG giveaway: Let’s go! 😃 
To celebrate the great news there was lately (Hec Dex launch, Investment board, Tor farm rocketing, introduction of Mythos NFT collection are just some of them), we would like to reward our most devoted and active TG users. 
Every day, starting from Monday, March 21st, during the upcoming 4 weeks we will announce and reward the most active TG members per day, per week, and overall after 4 weeks.   
What do you have to do to win the reward? Be active and share some love!
Rewards: 2460 TOR 
3 most active members/day: 15 TOR  (min 20 msgs in a day) 
2 most active member/week: 100 TOR (min 150 msgs in a week)   
1 most active member after a month: 400 TOR (min 300 msgs in 4 weeks). 
Note: Spam msgs will not be included. 
You can earn additional points if you publish a bullish statement about Hector Finance on your socials and post a link in a comment of this announcement.
Start: 21/03/22  00:00 CET
End:  17/04/22 23:59 CET
Activity: 2240
Merit: 4133 - Automatic crypto Swap Exchange.

Hectorians!  Here is a really awesome article that walks through the uses of our DEX, written by our friends at Altcoin Buzz!

Check it out, and share the love on socials!

Hectorians! Here’s the AMA Question roundup for the last week:
Activity: 2240
Merit: 4133 - Automatic crypto Swap Exchange.

Hectorians! As per the results of our recent TIP we have invested $250,000 in Travala.

Transaction details:

Hectorians! The first chance to get a Whitelist spot for the upcoming Mythos Collection!

👀 on our Twitter, we will also have a NFT Giveaway next week!
Activity: 2240
Merit: 4133 - Automatic crypto Swap Exchange.

HECTORIANS! A big thanks to our friends from Altcoinbuzz for this amazing article which is covering our DEX and gives their followers a small inside into our upcoming Mythos collection!

Hectorians! Here’s a link to the community update session starting in 15 minutes:

See you there!
Activity: 2240
Merit: 4133 - Automatic crypto Swap Exchange.

HECTORIANS! Our social presence is STRONG.

So strong in fact that we’re by far the most socially engaging project on the FTM network.Let’s keep this momentum up Like and Retweet! 👇👇👇

Besides that, we were trending #1 on CryptoMoonShots today!
! Make sure to comment, upvote and award!

Activity: 2240
Merit: 4133 - Automatic crypto Swap Exchange.

Hectorians! The long-awaited Hector DEX is now available! This is the first big step towards our aim of general cross chain expansion and will lay the foundation for all our cross chain efforts to come.

You can find the documentation for DEX here:

Remember, DEX is in its early stages, so there may be some infrequent bugs. All feedback is welcome!
Activity: 2240
Merit: 4133 - Automatic crypto Swap Exchange.

Despite the Current Market Situation the TOR LP still provides over 30% APR, and the TVL is more than 10M.

Wish a great weekend to you all ❤️

Get ready for Monday!

Hectorians! We’re launching the Mythos Collection soon!

Read all about it here:
Activity: 2240
Merit: 4133 - Automatic crypto Swap Exchange.

HECTORIANS! If you were in the community update session today you’ll know that Hector DEX is coming on MONDAY!

DEX will become the backbone of our cross chain operation, allowing users to swap tokens between chains with a single click. We will be using this system to form the backend of our dApp offerings, meaning that users of other chains can interact with our protocol as if they were natively on Fantom. This is a huge step to becoming a truly multichain protocol.

We can’t wait for all of you to use it.

Hectorians, Here’s the writeup of AMA questions for the weeks of 28th feb - March 11th
Activity: 2240
Merit: 4133 - Automatic crypto Swap Exchange.

Hectorians! Cointelegraph, one of the largest crypto publications on the internet has featured us in multiple languages to spread the awareness for our upcoming DEX!









TIP-010 $1m purchase of FTM tokens

In light of recent market downturns, we see this as a prime opportunity to purchase more FTM tokens to increase the size of our two Validator Nodes. This will effectively double the base-rewards they receive for their work.

We propose to use $1m DAI from our treasury to purchase FTM tokens to self-delegate 50/50 to our two Validators.

Vote below:
Activity: 2240
Merit: 4133 - Automatic crypto Swap Exchange.

Hectorians! $TOR has been integrated in! Coindix is a website that displays the most desired vaults based on filters like APY! They currently monitor over $130B in assets, with 10,000+ vaults on 27 chains.

This past day, our $TOR pool has been trending on their website! Check it out and leave some love!

Hectorians! We are asking for constructive input for one of our subprojects, Hector University.

The idea is to make the needed knowledge in the crypto space easy accessible for newcomers but also to teach more complex topics to everyone in the space. Beside this, University will be your daily crypto news website.

Let us know your ideas and what you would like to see here!

Go to and there you find a dedicated channel where you can share all your ideas with us, #-university-ideas!
Activity: 2240
Merit: 4133 - Automatic crypto Swap Exchange.

$TOR CERTIK AUDIT COMPLETED; Hectorians, we can now confirm that our Certik Audit for TOR is complete.

✅ Funds are safu, there are no security risks!
▶️ Full Audit report via:
💡 Medium article with an explanation of some of their findings:

Trust and security have always been a focus of the Hector Ecosystem. We’re proud to have taken this step towards legtitimacy, security, and trust. Going forwards we will continue to work with Certik to audit our contracts.

TOR will continue to be a value adding stable coin project that will enable Hector Finance achieve its goal to a become a deflationary utility token! Rewards for our TOR pool currently sit at ~30% APR!

We are only just getting started 🚀
Activity: 2240
Merit: 4133 - Automatic crypto Swap Exchange.

HIP-028 $100k Humanitarian Aid in Eastern Europe

Hectorians, We’re sure everyone is aware of the unfolding situation in Ukraine. This is not about taking sides, this is about protecting human life. Many people have been forced to leave their homes, people are going without food, water, and medical aid, and not just Ukrainian people.

Many Hectorians have expressed support for a donation HIP of $100,000.

The Giving Block is an organisation which allows the donation of crypto tokens to charitable causes.

They are currently taking donations for the “Ukraine Emergency Response Fund” - a collection of 11 charities which are actively working to support humanitarian relief efforts in Ukraine. This includes providing urgent medical care to children and their families.

We propose to donate $100,000 to this cause, which will be split equally across the 11 charities listed here:

With a “Yes” vote, $100,000 will be taken from the treasury and swapped for either BTC or ETH before being donated.

Vote below.
Activity: 2240
Merit: 4133 - Automatic crypto Swap Exchange.

Hectorians! Our HIP-025 BitMart Listing Funding passed with a Yes.

Exchange listings are a key part of our expansion strategy moving forwards. They allow us access to more potential users, help us build partnerships, provide deeper legitimacy to the project, and are a good opportunity for co-marketing campaigns.

Based in Seoul, BitMart has a daily volume of around $1,500,000,000 and has 9,000,000 users.

We will list HEC and TOR in their exchange in the following pairings:

Trading will start on 10th March at 5.00am EST


Here’s the link to today’s community updates session:
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