you're right. maybe people dont accept this kind of change in a way on how to find job. online recruitment is widely used in the world but to the point that you put you're credentials or character information in order for recruiter will easily find you if you're qualified for the vacant job. maybe it will take more time to people to absorb to this kind of system. but this project is good aswell
Well, the way I see it, there is really nothing that is bad about this because the applicants and the companies are only necessary or what is needed by both parties(the applicant and the employer). This process is a must when both parties wants to make sure that they can be able to get what they truly deserve. And besides, the employers and applicants are the ones in charge of their info, so there really is nothing to worry about.
As an applicant and user of Trustlogics platform, a person should be aware of his choices. Trustlogics did give us the choice of being able to hide our information partially or as a whole but since we are applying for a job we must also consider this before we hide our information. If one wants to get hired with Trustlogics, that person should at least make relevant information related to work experiences and qualification available for public viewing.
I think the relevant information will be automatically highlighted to remind the user that he can activate this information to be able to get the job. These are work-related information that every employer should see. And this made possible by the use of Trustlogics platform, where the job seeker can choose who can really have access to this information.
Its not actually the credentials that applicants are trying to protect, all the educational and employment backgrounds can be safely given away in public, what some people are trying to protect is their identification datas specially in other countries where ID system is being used.
This is the future of our world the trustlogics developing team is such an amazing team for them to think about this concept. There really is nothing in this world that can stop progress. Hence, it is pretty obvious that trust logics is a project that is unstoppable and will clearly succeed sooner or later.