I would like to see a higher fee.
you can take your higher fees back HOLY CRAP I tried to send 9745 IFC to my trading account and it wanted to charge me 6800 IFC in fees. What the hell is that about I mined those coins 6800 coins in fees. So i said maybe its to high of a transaction i then attempted to send 100 coins the fee was 200 IFC to send 100IFC. what are these high fees about HOLY CRAP not worth it to mine if you can only keep 1/3 of the coins you spent the electricity to mine. BETTER LOWER THESE FEES.
so heres the 9744 IFC transaction
100IFC transaction
And ladies and gentlemen heres the icing on the cake
a 0.00000001 IFC transaction is OVER the size limit and incurrs a 200 IFC transaction fee.
These fees are absolutely rediculous
This coin does not have infinite possibilities it has one-------> FAILURE if the devs dont fix these fees. No one will mine a coin that pays only 1/3 of the power we mine on it. SO unless you have an infinatecoinwalmart.com and powerandelectricforinfinitecoinminers.com, infinitecoinrent.com, infinitecoinwaterandsewer.com this coin = FAILURE
If this is the case this coin does not have infinite possibilities except 1 FAILURE hahahaha