So go and do it, man Open ccminer's readme file, and read bout --bfactor and --launch-config keys first.
You get this info:
>using 40 blocks of 8 threads
So, if you have similar cards in your rig, add settings to your bat file:
ccminer -o stratum+tcp:// --launch-config=8x30 -u WALLETID -p x
If it will be OK, try 8x45 as well (may give higher hasharate). If you still get out of memory, reduce first value, e.g. try 7x30 or even 6x30 (6x45 and 7x45 as well) until the error disappears. You should check your physical (system's DDR3/DDR4 memory I mean) and virtual (paging file) memory size as well. Set paging file size to 16+ Gb.