now it's time to write few words about ITNS story. As You all know, ITNS have a good WhitePaper, when we look at first glance. Team is dedicated to achieve Q2/Q3, but main strengh for ITNS came from their followers on Discord chn and mostly important part, is communication with supporters !!! When You find yourself on #ITNS chn, You see, not only good spirit or wish to get rich ASAP, You see, dedication, dedication to find, resolve, argue, or to be honest, in one word, You see a devoted teamwork ! That, is the main factor, that is really rare to see, especially in one young coin as ITNS (without ICO). When I write 'teamwork', mean not only on ITNS team, mean on all supporters.
Last three months, ITNS have issues, some of them have been difficult, but as You can see, they are solved. Solved with teamwork! Also, as I know, now it's cooking something very interesting. I hope so that You have read there, that now main focus is on browser extension and marketing presentation. To be honest, current price of ITNS on market is very attractive.
Attractive for few reasons:
- have a good WhitePaper
- soon have a VPN Service/Product release, for public use
- have a Team, that talk with supporters, so any situation or issue can be resolved ASAP(some kind of brainstorming) and all that is done under the Team target scope, written in WhitePaper
- ...
I dare to say, ITNS coin price is now underestimated, but that is not reason to get and hodl it. Main focus, for any coin on market is, did it worth something and possible soon, so I can get some profit. No, that times have gone, now, focus have to be on Service/Product, that can be used worldwide and that can make You a nice % of profit as it is based on number of users and their opinion. Opinion, that Service/Product have affordable price and help me to get my tasks done.
ITNS is dedicated, to prevent problems, that we all sometime have..stealing data/habits/interests/serach or accident/purpose of harvesting data from browser You use and so many other things, You can't imagine. ITNS means anonymous and secure. As future comes, this kind of Service/Product, can became something that implies, on any PC, like AV You have...
Thank You for reading, hope so that You will find my opinion usable.
That looks like an abuse of automated translation.
I must agree with the fact that the team is very active and talkative. But that's not the only point that matters in crypto (although good marketing is everything...).
Hmmm, your answer speaks a lot about you, not ethical for a person at that level of this forum.
English is not my native language, so, it does not give you the right to make such comments.
I'm glad we agreed on the second part of your answer, but...
The essence of the creation and uprising of the product/service is based on the exchange of information of all participants, that's the key of success. Marketing is only the result of this process...read as: Market Promotion of Product/Service.
Thank You, for commenting and please, read your comment before sending it, it's not difficult to be nice.
Have a nice day