The only way FIAT comparisons don't matter is if you never intend to cash out. I mean you can buy a lot of stuff with BTC, but I sure would compare the BTC/USD at the time of purchase. What do you mean I didn't purchase it with USD? Are we talking about me taking my USD, buying BTC, then turning right around (well maybe an hour for it to confirm) and purchasing ION is not ultimately purchased with USD? This is using BTC as a currency, not as an investment. If I had used a cow instead of BTC as the intermediary currency, would I have to look at cattle prices for the rest of my life to know if I made a good deal? If I had only kept that cow...could have staked milk out of it and made millions.
I get it. You don't like ION since it can't beat BTC. I assume there are quite a few that you do not like due to this comparison? If so, do they get as much attention on their forums as ION does? I really do not understand why this is such a dedicated campaign of yours? I don't want to read this whole thread to try and read between the lines to figure it out, so can you just tell me what motivates you to work so hard against ION? I can see someone posting their dislike and moving on, but this is really dedicated. Must have a real reason deep down, and not some glib response please?
I'm not telling you how you should value your investments. If you want to use USD or Venezuelan bolívar - your choice, as is my choice to think that this is misleading as it ignores the very obvious opportunity cost. I prefer to value crypto currencies in BTC though, given the dominance of BTC in market cap, adoption, etc and the lack of direct exchange for most currencies into anything other than BTC. Just as I prefer to value e.g. mining expenses in the currency being mined, not in USD - if I can't mine more coins than I could buy then it makes more sense to just buy the coins.
And no, you don't get it. Due to many other reasons (liquidity, risk, etc) ION would still be shit even if it managed to outperform BTC. The whole price discussion is flaming on just because shills like Shark and korvas brag about their brilliant investment using the most ridiculous arguments, e.g. saying that "trolls" must feel sorry because they didn't invest in ION or some such nonsense. I can't imagine any bitcoin holder being sorry for not investing in ION ICO and missing out on the opportunity to halve their bitcoins... thus the chart I'm posting to show the absurdity of such a claim.
I'm not gonna go too deep into the fallacies and hypocrisy of your second paragraph. If you have any self-awareness at all you'll notice how you're repeating Garza's talking points almost word for word. Someone saying bad words about your favorite shitcoin is not a "campaign". Perhaps your shitcoin sucks. Just a thought.
suchmoon, I believe you should of stated that I am promoting in the ION thread with positive Ionomy Vision!!!
No, you're not. You're making ionomy look like it has two-and-a-half dimwits running their PR.