Same kind of defiant obstinacy that made you gleefully waste your worthless slow obsolete bitcoins on XPY. After you lost what, 99% on that? ... you're now merely 94% down after the 6X "gain" LOL.
Enjoy your buck and a half, don't spend it all in one place.
Your quite wrong again Suchmoon... Everyone that has IONs from the ICO are 6 times richer... I am making more profit holding the Bitcoin produced from my "free" coins!!!
ion 0.20c each 4th april
bitcoin - 421.29
ion value in bitcoin 0.00047473 for 1 ion
masternode 20,000 is 9.49464739 ($4000 usd)
fast foward to now
ion is 0.00009640
bitcoin is 16,595.72
1 ion in usd is 1.60
20,000 masternode is $32,000 or 1.928208btc
- usd increase $28,000
- btc change -7.56643939
holding ion value $32,000
holding btc value (9.49464739 x $16,595.72) = $157,570.51
i didnt add additional staked ion. but unless you turned 20,000 into 80,000 ion only by staking in a year its not equal.
argue usd etc all you want wildshark but those are the factual data. show where im wrong with math. dont jump between usd sat to try to sound favorable.
if you like ion fine but dont lie about it being more profitable.
did people make money investing in ion based on usd? yes yes they did. BUT and its a but required. Did ion investors lose profit potential by converting btc to ion? yes by a huge margin.
ion $4000 to $28,000 is 6 times richer
held bitcoin 421$ to $16,595 is 38.41 times richer
my only claim was that holders of ION at ICO time have made more than 6 times their initial investment( USD a buck and a half). Use the accurate chart below to validate my numbers:
and others have stated they would of lost profit when switching to ion which you try to state as false. the fact is ion would of lost them profits converting