how buy license for mine IoP?
You can not buy a licence, you have to be in the best 31 Chapters to receive one upon Community votes.
- You can join IOP as a Chapter and start building what ever great idea you have for IOP!
- Just join our Discord Server (, introduce yourself in there, and tell us that you want to start a chapter in our channel "chapters-request:.
- Choose a name for your chapter, write a 1-2 sentence long proposal about what you plan to do and one of the admins in there will create a channel for you.
- At the end of the month, you post a report about your activities in your own channel in discord.
- The community then will vote on your report and you can receive upvotes or downvotes.
- Tell as many people as you know about your plans and activities, and invite them to our discord server, so they can vote for your report.
- If you are in the top 31, you will receive a mining licence for the upcoming month.
There is also an additional amount of 14.000 IOP that will be divided among the top 31 best chapters, according to the pareto principle.
However there is a voting app in development which will replace the voting on Discord...