Hey MaidSafe people... quick question maybe someone here can help me out?
I bought ONE BTC worth of MaidSafeCoin last year in the IPO, connected to a bitcoin address in my main blockchain.info wallet that I set up specifically for this, dedicated only to this SAFE project experiment.
So using omniwallet it still shows there is "MaidSafeCoin (3) 23,800" on that address, same as it's been from the start.
So far so good.
But suppose I wanted to top this up a bit more, say for example buy another 1200 MaidSafeCoin on Poloniex to make my holding an even 25,000.
Once I have 1200 more on my Poloniex account, they're being held by Poloniex "for me"... right? IN THEIR CONTROL as they're the exchange, i.e. same as MtGox was. Bad idea.
So, what do I need to do to put all the MaidSafeCoin tokens "all together" in anticipation of conversion to actual SafeCoin some day?
Where would the best place be to keep it all SAFE (pun intended) and how exactly do I go about doing that?
Hope it's not a dumb question, and I've looked around a little bit for a guide to this but didn't find anything (maidsafe forum software design is just horrible, wish they'd set up on some standard type forum!)
Thanks in advance for any help!
Hey KeyJockey, once you bought the coins on poloniex or masterxchange you can withdraw them to your own bitcoin address. Preferably the same one in which you're already holding coins.
On another note, if only comparing the currencies, Bitcoin and Safecoin, in my opinion Safecoin is better.
Safecoin doesn't waste energy like bitcoin do. Energy is used to store data.
Safecoin transfers are instant.
Safecoin is anonomous, you can't track the coins in the blockchain.
Safecoin doesn't run the risk of a 51% attack.
Safecoin doesn't need a 15GB blockchain to be used.
Bitcoin is more well disturbed (but it wasn't in the beginning)
Bitcoin is already up and running (but they seem to be working hard)
Is safecoin "Bitcoin 2.0"? And if not, why not?