ok - I'll bite.
IXC was started in May 2011 - third crypto. Early days, well before bitcoin was successful and well before almost anyone thought it would be successful.
IXC tried out a couple of concepts - 1) a small number of coins were set aside for bounties - less than 3% - and 2) the block rewards were larger but the total number of coins the same - to test out what happens when a coin must rely on fees and not miner rewards. For good measure merge mining was added.
Neither worked out very well - newer coins had premines of 10%, 20%, 80% (looking at you Ripple) which gave any coin with a premine - even a miniscule one - a bad name. Also we confirmed fees on 1MB blocks are woefully inadequate - this may have driven some of the urgency (panic) to increase bitcoin block size.
Now here we are - the premine has been donated back and sequestered - a fork at 450K blocks will give IXC a larger block size 64MB - 2X what Satoshi had set bitcoin to originally - pretty reasonable since 2018 computers are more than order of magnitude faster than 2009 computers. Enough to provide a significant block reward with small fees. Also just enough with current optimization techniques to match average visa transaction volume.
Will this be the right update for The Original Bitcoin Sidechain?